Chapter 16

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I get up a few mins later, Harry's still sleeping. I head into the kitchen where I see Niall and Cara sitting at the table, Niall also has some cuts too.

As I walk over to them I gasp saying "Oh my gosh Niall are you okay?" He looks at me and says "Yes I'm fine, thanks." I take a seat and ask "What happened to you and Harry?"

He says "I can't tell you, but everything should be fine now." I look at him and say sternly "Niall, Cara and I need to know, especially when it involves you and Harry getting hurt."

He sighs and says "Remember when your guys flat got broken into?" I nod, he continues and.says "Well we found out who it was and went to handle it."

I ask "Well um who was it?" He says "That I can't tell you, I'm sorry if you want to know more you'll have to ask Harry." I was a little disappointed he couldn't tell me but I said "Okay, well thank you for telling me that much Niall.

He says "No problem Aria, but please don't tell Harry I told you." As I get up from the table I say "Don't worry I won't." I walked outside onto the balcony to call my mum.

I dialed her number and she picked up the phone all excited saying "Aria honey how are you?! I'm so happy to hear your voice darling, why haven't you called me in a while?!"

I say 'I'm sorry mum I've just been so consumed with school and adjusting to everything here." She says "Ahh yes how is the lovely UK?" I say "It's great actually...and I'm getting married."

She gasps and says "What? And you're just now telling me! Since when?" I say since "Two months ago, sorry I'm just now telling you but I've been super busy with planning it with my friends and stuff."

She says "Wow Aria I'm so happy for you honey! And your father will be to when I tell him! Who's the lucky guy?" I say "His name is Harry, I just sent you a picture of us together."

She says "Okay let me take a look, aww honey you two look so cute together!" I chuckle a little and say "Thanks mom."

She then asks "So when's the wedding sweetheart?" I tell her "In August, but I want you and dad to come down in June or July to meet Harry and get to know him a little bit." She says "Okay sweetie I'll start planning, ahh this is so exciting."

I laugh a little and say "Okay well I have to go and prepare dinner now mom, I love you." She says "Okay darling, I'll talk to you later bye." I hang up the phone and see Harry sitting on the couch, having his head in his hands.

I approach him saying "Harry, honey are you okay?" He lifts up his head to look at me and says "Yes sweetheart I'm fine, just a little stressed that's all." He pulls me onto his lap, I ask "What are you stressed about?"

He smiles and says "Nothing that I want you to stress about." I cup his face in my hands and make eye contact with him saying "Harry listen to me, your problems are my problems and the things you stress about are the things I want to stress with you."

He says "I know love, but this particular problem I don't want you to worry about okay?" He looks down again, I say "Harry please tell me how you and Niall both got grazed and cut knuckles, I want the truth."

He makes a big sigh and says "The person who broken into your and Caras flat was a leader of a gang I used to be in sending a message?" I ask worriedly "What kind of message?" He runs his hands through his hair and says "For you and Cara to stay away from me and Niall because, We'll only bring destruction to you and Caras life."

I say "A gang? You never told me that Harry..why did you keep that from me?" He says "Because once Niall and I felt that connection with you and Cara we knew we had to limit our ways and get rid of that life style, which what we handled today, we aren't apart of it anymore."

I take both of Harrys hands and kiss them saying "Harry I love you a lot I truly do, but I want to know that you'll keep me safe and you or Niall will but me and Cara in harm."

He comes close to me and says "I would never put you in danger and Niall would never put Cara in danger, you should know that by now Aria. I love you so much I would never let anyone or anything hurt you."

Tears fall from my eyes passing my cheeks and I start to say as my lips tremble "I-I know Harry, and I love you just as much but I don't want anything happening to you trying to make sure I'm safe, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I started crying so hard I could talk anymore and Harry just pulls me into his chest, I release my tears all on him. And he coos me saying "Shh, it's okay baby nothing is going to happen to me, us, or anyone. I promise you okay."

He pulls us both into the couch, he plays with my hair and we just sit there for awhile.


End of chapter 16!! Hope you enjoyed it! :) xx probably the last update for today, I have loads of homework :/

Anyways! I hope you're loving this story so far and liking the direction I'm taking this story :) will update tomorrow if not again tonight. Love you all! Thank you for reading<3 mwah! Xxxx

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