Chapter 34

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                                                                                          *3 months later* Back to Aria's POV

It's been 3 months since my accident, and Harry is telling me things even if he feels he shouldn't. My belly is getting big I'm not fitting half of my clothes aren't fitting anymore, and Harry is really excited about the baby. Today we have an appointment for the baby to make sure things are okay, I always have trouble getting up now, luckily Harry is here to help me. He's so excited about being a father...I know he's going to be a great one.

Harry helps me into the car and he gets in as well, and we head off to our appointment. He grabs my hand saying "I'm excited to see how our baby is doing, aren't you?" I give a warming smile saying "Yes, of course."  We pull into the parking lot, Harry parks then hops out of the car hurrying over to my side helping me out of the car. As we walk in Harry sits me down and goes to the desk, and comes back with a clipboard that we have to fill out. He gives it to me and I start filling it out, and then he takes it back to the desk for me.

Almost immediately the nurse comes out calling "Aria Styles." Harry looks at me excitedly as he helps me up, and we walk through the door being lead down a long hall. Our room is atthe end of  the hall she smiles at us and says "Change into this gown, and the doctor will be right in." I return the smile saying "Okay." And then she leaves out of the room, Harry helps undress me and get into my gown. I then lay down on the bed as the doctor walks in, she says "Hello Mrs. Styles, how are you today?" I rub my stomach as I say "I'm good, thank you."

She turns on the monitor as she says "Good." and she gets in a swirly chair moving towards me putting gel on my stomach. Harry holds on to my hand when she gets ready to show the baby on the screen. She starts moving the remote across my belly to find the baby and says "Ahh here we go." Harry and I both look at each other smiling, then she suddenly says "Oh." We looked at her saying "What? What's wrong?" As she continues moving around and looking at the screen she says "Well it looks like you guys are having twins." Harry smiles as he asks "Are you sure?"

She says "Yep." and shows us the second body on the ultra sound, tears began streaming from Harry's eyes as he hugs me. And at the end of our appointment the doctor says "Well your babies seem healthy and in good shape, I'll see you in 3 months okay?" We both smile saying "okay" as she walks out. Harry helps me again with getting dressed and excitedly he says "Having a child was great but having twin is even better, I'm just so happy our babies are okay." I smile saying "Me too, I can't wait to tell everyone..this is a miracle."

As soon as we get home I walk over to Cara and Niall's house, rapidly knocking on the door. Niall answers and says "Hi Aria." giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek, quickly I said "Hey Niall, where's Cara." He closes the door saying "Uh she's in the kitchen." I hurriedly go to the kitchen saying "Cara guess what?" She smiles saying "What Aria." I practically scream as I say "Harry and I are having twins!!" She hugs me saying "Oh my gosh Aria that's amazing!!" Niall comes in and Cara tells him the news and he also gives me a hug saying "Congrats to you both, you and Harry deserve it." I smile saying thank you guys, and also we would to have you guys over for dinner as well as everyone else." They both smile saying "Okay, we'll be over." As I walk towards the door I say "Okay, great see you guys soon!"

Sorry I know it's really short, but it's all I can do for right now and I wanted to update since it's been awhile. But don't worry! My next update will be longer :) and hopefully I can update in the next few days...but finals are coming up so if I can fit in time to update I will :) until then thank you for reading this fan fic, I having it's coming to the end soon...maybe 3-4 more chapters till it's finished! What should my next fan fic be?? I was thinking like a dark Liam or Zayn fan fic?? Let me in know in comments!! Oh also!! Follow my instagram acc 5sos1dfeelsdepartment for edits and stuff on this fan fic and for my new fan fic that I'm going to start on...I think I'll make it a bad boy Liam fan fic but let me know who you prefer!! Liam or Zayn!Mwah xx

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