Chapter 31

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*One month later*

I get up from bed and walk into the kitchen to make breakfast, I hear the phone ring Harry shouts saying "I got it babe!" I turn towards the fridge seeing what I can make for breakfast. Harry abruptly comes into the kitchen I turn towards him asking "What's wrong?" He says "Niall and Cara are getting married in a week!" with a smile. I gasp smiling saying "Wow that's amazing!" He starts walking back to the room as he says "Yeah we have to get back home because we're the best man and maid of honor."

He picks up our suitcases and walks over to the closet and dresser draws taking out our clothes and putting them into the suitcases, he then looks at me and says "We're going to have to catch a emergency flight home, so pick an outfit out that you're going to wear then get dressed." I nod saying "Okay." trying to find a comfy pair of pants and jumper, as soon as I do I go to the shower. I turn it on I take off my clothes ready to get in, but before I do I walk back into the room saying "Oh harry.." He says "What?' as he turns towards me.

A smirk comes across his mouth as he bites his lip, I walk over to him saying "We can have a little fun before we leave." I walk him back into the wall and start leaving open kisses on his cheek and neck and softly whisper in his ear "Follow me." And start walking back to the shower, I get in feeling Harrys presence. He slowly steps in the shower and wraps his arms around me oulling me into his chest saying "I love you princess." I turn around now facing him saying "I love you too." And kiss him on the lips, he lifts me from the shower having my legs wrapped around his waist.

I grab on to his curls, he stops saying "Wait, is it okay even if your pregnant?" putting me down. I say "Yes, I believe so." He pulls me closer to him saying "Well to be sure, let's not okay babe?"  And kisses my forehead I say "Okay Harry" a little disappointed. We finish our shower, got dresed, then called for a cab for a ride to the airport. The cab finally came and we hurriedly got into the cab to make our flight, we got there just in time. We take our seats on the plane and wait for take off, as the plane starts to move I whisper to Harry "Honey today I'm one month pregnant."

A huge smile comes across his face and he says "Oh my god, that exciting babe 8 more month to go." He takes my hand saying "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I love you so much...better than words can describe." A little tear escapes my eye as I say "And our baby will be the best thing that ever happened to the both of us." I raise my head to kiss his cheek, I then rest my head on his shoulder feeling a bit tired. I hold on to his hand soflty rubbing his knuckles, and I soon fall fast asleep.

I wake up still being in the same position I fell asleep in, except Harry is asleep also and his hand is over my belly, I just sit there thinking about how I have a wonderful an just in a few months we'll be having a wonderful child. Then I hear the pilot over the intercom saying "The plane has landed, welcome to London, UK." I wake up Harry saying "Babe, we're home." I unbuckle my belt getting up from the seat and Harry does the same, we get our carry on's then walk out to the airport waiting for out luggage to come around.

As we start to walk outside I notice familar faces noticing it's Cara and Niall. I drop my bags running to her hugging her so tightly, and Niall walks over to Harry giving him a hug helping him with the luggage. Cara says "How was the honeymoon Aria?" I excitedly say "It was amazing! And guess what Cara!" She happily says "What Aria?" I practically scream "I'm pregnant!!" She hugs me even more tightly saying "Oh my gosh that's great babe, congrats!" Harry and Niall come up to us saying "Are you ready ladies?" We say "Yeah."

We walk over to the car and I sit in the back with Cara, Niall and Harry sit in the front. I turn to Cara saying "So are you excited about the wedding?" She smiles saying "Yeah, and I'm pregnant to Aria." I squeal saying "Omg that's amazing Cara, both are kids will be around the same age and will be best friends!" Niall and Harry say "Congrats man" to each other. We finally make it back to the house, and but Niall pulls into a different drive way right next to ours, I ask feeling confused "Um Niall this is our house." He looks at me with a smile saying "You're right, this is Cara and I's house.

 Still confused saying "What?" Cara smiles saying "We live next door to each other silly."

I laugh a little saying "Oh, yay that's amazing!!" Harry and Niall walk the bags over to our flat, while Cara shows me hers, it's so beautiful inside. I take a seat on the couch saying "So how did Niall propose to you?" She sits next to me saying "Um I just came home one day and he was on one knee in the kitchen and he said "Cara Louise Robinson will you be my wife." I instantly said yes" I took her hands as I say "Aww that's so cute Cara." She smiles, Niall comes in the house saying "Aria, Harry needs back to the house." I nod saying "Okay" and giving Cara a hug saying "I'll be back later." As I walk to the door I also give Niall a hug saying "Congrats Niall." and I leave going back home.

I walk in the house saying "Harry..Harry where are you?" I walk around the whole house finally finding him, something is wrong, I can tell. I walk up to him saying "Harry, honey what's wrong?" He didn't answer me, I sit next to him asking again "Harry what's wrong?" He sighs deeply and runs his hands through his hair. He gets up from the bed saying "Nothing." I say  irritatedly "Harry don't tell me it's nothing when I can tell there's something wrong." He ignores me and walks out of the room.

End of the chapter! Hope you enjoyed :) why do you think Harry is so upset and won't tell Aria?? Leave your thoughts below! And thank you so muc for being patient with about updating this fan fic<3 Thank you for continually reading my fan fic, love you all<3 Mwah!! Xxxx

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