Chapter 1: Working with Grillby

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Please be aware that this fanfic has many major errors and oopsies. Not every detail corresponds to the actual Undertale game due to plot. This is an older fanfic and so I have gotten better at writing in my other books, so just know this book isn't the greatest. 

Your P.O.V. (First Person)

It was so close. The day I had been waiting for was only two days away. My ballet concert, which would determine if I would go to competition to be the Underground's best ballet dancer. I had been training all summer for this.

I sat at the bar in front of Grillby who was cleaning off the counter with a dirty rag. His low voice began to speak, "(Y/n)? Are you almost done with your break?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I was just thinking of the concert. I hope I do well. I've practiced for months every day and.. I just.. I want to win this."

If Grillby had a mouth, I thought I might have caught a smile on his face. I stood up and brushed off my apron of any dust and walked back to the other side of the counter.

My life up to that point wasn't very interesring. At least, not since Sans had left. Sans was my best friend for years. Him and his brother lived in Snowdin and he would always play the trombone for me as I'd dance around the room. We were so close, we could have been siblings. I would always tell him of my dreams of becoming an amazing ballet dancer, and he always said that he believed I would do it. He believed in me.

He meant everything to me, but.. then he left. Him and Papyrus had left Snowdin and I didn't know why. He told me he was leaving, but I wish he had stayed. That, however, was years ago.

Now, my dreams really were coming true and all my friends would see it. Well.. all except Sans and Papyrus. I wish they were here. He could see me, living out what I had always wanted to do.

I walked to the back room, grabbing some more ketchup and mustard bottles to put out on the tables. I grabbed a few of each condiment and walked out to the dining room, setting a set of condiments down on each table. It wasn't busy today. In fact, hardly anyone showed up. There must have been some event in town that everyone went to instead. That was fine with me. That meant I could day dream.

Grillby's hand rested on my arm. Luckily, I am immune to temperatures, so the fire that encased him didn't affect me. I could hear him sigh, "You are practicing, right?"

"Of course I am. Can't mess up at the concert," I smiled as I looked up at him. He had taken me in, since my parents died many years ago. It was hard to sort of get over it, but eventually I was able to hear their names without crying.

"If you insist," He said as he turned and headed for the back room. All my thoughts went back to my concert, and how it would go. I always imagined it going so well and I had been practicing for so long; I couldn't imagine losing.

A girl approached the counter, sitting one seat from the wall. She looked to me and smiled, "Waitress?"

I smiled back as I made my way to her. I grabbed my note pad and a pen, "What can I get for to drink?"

"Water with a lemon on the side."

I nodded, turning and grabbing a cup from the shelf and filling it with ice water. I grabbed a fresh lemon from the fridge and stood in front of the girl as I slowly cut the lemon into quarters.

"What's your name?" She asked, watching me cut the lemon. I made sure to not let lemon juice squirt into her eye. "(Y/n). You can call me Iris. That's what everyone else calls me."

Iris. The name Sans had given me a long time ago. It stuck, and that's almost always what he called me, but I had never understood why. I never really understood it, but I just let him call me that. I didn't have much of a problem with it. It wasn't a bad name.

The girl made a glimpse of a frown, but as soon as it appeared, it disappeared into a soft smile. "Alright, Iris. I wanted to know if you are going to that dance concert this Saturday."

I nodded as I put the lemon of the edge of the glass, "Actually, I'm in the concert. I'm one of the beginning acts. Heh.."

Her eyes lit up with happiness, "Oh! That's exciting!" It took her a moment to blush of embarrassment, "I'm sorry.. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Frisk... Heh.. Sorry.."

"Oh it's quite alright," I said scooting the glass of water across the counter to her. She grabbed the glass and took a sip of the ice beverage. The glass was only a quarter full by the time she set it down. She let out a sigh that was visible in the air in front of her.

"Anyway.. My sister and her boyfriend are going to be going with me. I will look forward to seeing you there."

I smiled back as I refilled her cup, "Thank you."

^.^ This took three days for some reason but here is the first chapter! 👐

I hoped you guys liked this first chapter. I will try to update regularly.

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