Chapter 31: •Eʀʀѳʀ• Pʆɛɑรɛ Tʀy Agɑiɳ Lɑtɛʀ

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We all turned to see who had just spoke. There she stood with her hair a mess, blood shot eyes, and odd glitching particles around her. It was Rae.


She smiled meakly, before stepping towards them, holding an open book under her arm. Chara stared at her in complete shock, "R-Rae?! How did you even get here? You're the author, you can't-!"

She put her hand up, telling her to stop. Everyone was confused by who she was, besides me and Chara. We wanted to know how in hell's name did she get to our world?

"Good evening ladies and gents. Iris. Chara. Sans. It is a pleasure to see you all enjoying your time. Congratulations Iris."

"W-Why are you here?" I asked, "And how did you get here?"

She smiled innocently, "All will be explained.. In due time."

"You're too late, Rae!" Chara snickered, "He is going to die in minutes. There's nothing you can do to help him."

She chuckled, lowly and looked at her with a sly smirk, "On the contrary my dear demon child, you'd be wrong. For I have solved all of our problems."

I crossed my arms, looking away from her, "How can I believe what you say, since you did lie to me?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know when you heard of what I did, but I am sincerely sorry. Please let me explain," she slowly pulled the book out, holding it in her arms, open, "When I broke a hole in reality, I also broke the ways I can write as an author. I couldn't make the curse break, for some reason. I sat there for days, trying to figure out what I could do to stop this. How would I fix my putrid mistake? Then.. An idea came to mind. Picture this.. A series of books. One book someone gets cursed and stay that way throughout the whole book. Right?"

I stared at her slightly, then looked to Sans. He seemed to be paying attention to what she was saying, even though she was a total stranger.

"Well.. Then there's the second or third book, where they somehow break the curse. So.. What if this was a similar situation. What if when I broke the hole, it caused the way of writing to act as if there is supposed to be a second book? What if I could destroy the curse just with publishing a chapter of the next book? So, I wrote a new book. It is only one chapter long, but not only does it break the curse, but it also destroys all of Chara's demon powers and soul. Making her human again."

Chara's eyes shot open in shock, while I looked to Sans, happily. It was almost too good to be true!

"All I have to do is close this book and all of what I wrote in this book will be published and made into a reality."

I smiled excidedly and hugged him tightly, nearly crying all over again. Chara growled angrily, her hands making tight fists and her face turned red.


We all stopped and looked back at Rae. Her slight smile turned into a frown as she said, "In order to get here, I had to glitch through the hole to make it here. So I am merely a glitch in the system now.. Once I publish this book, it will suck out everything from me and kill me."

K-kill her? It was too good to be true. Someone was still dying no matter how we played it out.

I ran up to her and shook my head, "Wait! Don't do this. You don't have to do this. You don't need to die.. Its alright.. We can figure something else out in the next minute and a half.." Hot tears came down my cheek. I wanted Sans to live, but I didn't want her to sacrifice herself just so he can live.. I know it was selfish but I felt terrible for making her do this.

She just smiled and patted my head, "There isn't any other way. Besides, I can finally be free of all the garbage in my life. It will also fix the hole in reality. Once the creator is dead, the hole fixes itself. Its alright Iris. I know this is hard for you, but.. I have to do this. For you guys."

She looked down at the book. The clock was ticking down and we were running out of time.

"But.. You created me. What am I going to do with you dead?"

She smiled sadly before patting my shoulder, "Make your own decisions. You don't need me anymore."

Then, she shut the book. It began to glow and lift into the air and blinding our vision. I shrieked along with a bunch of the other people who had been in the room. I tried to block out the light with my hands but I still couldn't see anything.

I could hear screaming. A familiar scream. But then it disappeared. What was going on?!

That's when.. Every memory of Rae I ever had, suddenly disappeared.

She was gone. Forever. She wouldn't be remembered. That was it.

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