Chapter 18: Who is She?

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Edit: Holy crap guys!! This story has fan art!! Eeeeeee! I love fan art and I can't believe someone made some for this book 😍

chibigirl3450 Check her out and follow her 😊

My bed, wasn't comfy. It felt hard as a damn rock. I looked down at my bed, feeling the sheets I had put on them. White with small gray polka-dots.

I looked back around the room, realizing I was in a pitch black room. I didn't recognize the place at all, mostly because it was like a dark waste land, except for a small light in the distance. When I stood up, my nightgown touched the floor, being so long and warm. My bare feet touched the hard, cold floor, sending shivers through my body.

I was finally, completely standing, so I looked back up at the light. It was slightly brighter now and I could here faint sounds. I took a deep breathe and walked towards it. As I got closer, the light began to take shape into a rectangular form. It was an open door.

As I walked towards it, I could hear a voice. A female voice.

"Yes.. She walked down the hallway and saw-" the voice paused for a moment before a loud growl and then the sound of paper being crumbled.

I looked into the door, keeping myself hidden. I saw a woman sitting at a desk. She had short brown hair and glasses that were slightly thicker than most frames. Her bangs were blonde and were pushed to the side. She fixed her glasses on her face and began to write in a small journal of some sort.

"The two walked down the road, hands intertwined...." She growled and pushed the book away, "This is worthless! No one will like this. I'll be a laughing stock!"

I took a step towards the woman, but I tripped slightly and fumbled into the room. The woman looked to me. Her big brown eyes starring down at me, "Iris?"

"Iris? Iris!"

I shot up out of my bed. I looked around, seeing the room around me. I looked at my lap and saw a letter addressed to Miss L/n. So, me.

I looked up and saw Sans sort of laughing, "Come on sleepy head. I told you I'd be here by one."

"What?!" I looked to the clock and realized, it was 1:06 in the afternoon. How could I sleep in?!

I scrambled out of bed, grabbing the letter and setting it on my night stand. I grabbed my jeans from my dresser and put them on under my night gown. I tore off my gown, not even thinking until it was too late.

I looked to Sans covering my chest with a huge blush, "Leave! I'm getting dressed!"

He was also blushing, but he was actually chuckling, "S-Sorry.." He left the room, shutting the door.

Time Skip

"The Crescent moon so high, in this dark and lonely sky. An ocean of obsidian, tangled in the light, so make a wish upon a shooting star. And watch it fly across the night, into the beyond."

A/n- From now on, any song I mention or use will have a link to it in the beginning of the chapter.

We sang together, sitting on the edge of the bridge near the waterfall. Our legs hanged over the edge as I kicked slightly. My hand lay next to me as I let myself relax as my bare feet almost touch the water.

I smiled down at the water, seeing the colorful fish swim by. I felt Sans' hand fall in place over mine. I could feel electricity and had sudden butterflies. When I looked over at him, he was still looking out over the river. I did the same and returned my breathing to a calm state.

Even though his hand was over mine, my thoughts wandered back to my dream. I wanted to know who that woman was. For some reason, she seemed so painfully familiar, but I had no idea why.

"Are you alright?" Sans asked, but I looked at him smiling, reasurringly.

"Of course. I'm fine. I'm sorry if I worry you."

"You don't worry me. You just had this look on your face."

"Pfft. Please. I've had this face since I came out of the womb. It's not changing much."

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