Chapter 28: The Truth Lies Beneath Lies

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"Rae?" I yelled out into the familiar dark room. I wanted see if she had thought of anything yet.

I looked around for the small light that led to her, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. The darkness surrounding me had engulfed everything. I couldn't see my own hand in front of my own face. I growled and yelled louder, "Rae! Where are you?!"

No answer. I turned around and tried to walk forward, but instantly fell forward onto my face.

"Fucking hell!" I growled, rubbing my face in pain. Maybe she was sleeping finally. It'd be good for her.

Then, a bright light appeared behind me. I turned around and saw a cracked door. I smiled, joyfully and ran to it, grabbing the door handle. I yanked the door open and shit in, excidedly, "Rae! Thank god! I was wondering if you-"

My heart sank and my mouth dropped open.

Rae was hunched over her desk, holding her head. I could see a thick black presence surround her. A dark creature stood beside her. It looked exactly like Chara's figure, but it was she was a 3D shadow.

"Give up already. Give me the book back. I'm not giving you a choice either."

"I can't! You'll burn the book or some shit and then I can't change what you've done. Besides, its my book. I will do what I damn please with my book."

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