Chapter 23: Let's Chat

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Liar my Jacksepticeye X Suicidal Reader book has been published.
Sans kissed me. Over and over and over. It felt so good.

But that could only mean one thing. I was a fictional character.. Or something like that.. In a book. Wow.

Honestly what I was worried about, was Sans safety. Chara wanted him dead. I was going to find her, and slap some sense into that girl. First.. I'd have to find her.

I tried to think about where she could possibly be, but nothing came to mind.

Maybe if I bought a chocolate bar, she'll appear. Its like a magic trick. Hm... Watch, as I, Y/n the magnificent, make a Chara appear by using only a chocolate bar.

Tee hee. I amuse myself.

I decided to walk to Grillby's and talk to him because he always knew what to do. I opened the door, and saw him sitting at the bar, reading a fire proof magazine.

I smiled and ran up to him, "Grillbz~! my number one fire dad~!"

He looked over at me and raised an eye brow, "What's up?"

"I'm looking for Chara. Have you seen her?" I figured he probably hadn't, but he might give me advice about where to find her.

"No. I haven't. Why? Did she do something stupid? What about Sans? He treating you alright."

"Yeah," I started but then for some ungodly reason, I kept talking, "He kissed me this morning and it was amazing."

Suddenly he towered over me, his hands making a disagreeing notion, "Woah. Woah. Woah. Hold the god damn phone. What?!"

I smiled unnervingly. I sometimes really hated my big fat mouth.

"Heh.. Yeah.. Sorry. Why do you care though? Its not like he's a bad guy or anything."

"No. But he dated a murdererous demon, Y/n."

"Wait. You knew she's a demon?!"

"Ive known she's a demon since the minute she walked in."


"I just know."

"But why didn't you say anything?!"

He groaned and face palmed himself, "Because I know you, Y/n. I'd say she's a demon and then you'd think you're tough enough to face her and then you'd be fucked! And don't take that sexually, cuz that's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant! But.. I'm not stupid! I know demons are tough to face-"

"Y/n.. She could literally kill you with a snap of her fingers."

"She wants Sans dead! She hasn't snapped her fingers and POOF! He's dead! I mean.. She wanted me dead too, but I'm still here and I've been talking to a girl in my dreams because she magically created us!"

Grillby stared at me, before I looked back up at him and shook my head, "Forget the part about the magical woman. The point is, is that she can't be THAT dangerous if she wanted Sans for his power."

I paused for a second and then pinched the bridge of my nose, "How did kissing Sans end up into why Chara isn't that dangerous?"

"I don't know, but you need to chill."

"No. You need to chill! I need to get you some ice to cover that burn!"

"Y/n. I'm a guy made of fire."

"Exactly my point."

"I don't understand you sometimes. Like right now. Just.. Go take some ibeprofen and take a nap."

"Ibeprofen doesn't solve every problem, Grill. Fine. If you won't help me find the oh so dangerous Chara, then I'll ask her sister."

I turned and left, without saying another word.

Time skip brought to you by Iris the magnificent

"Chara doesn't get home til dinner time," Frisk said, sitting down on the couch.

"Why? Is she bothering you? She bothers lots of people. I'm sorry if that's the case."

I scratched the back of my head, "No. No. Its alright. I mean she bothers me.. But thats not why I asked about her. You see.. She sorta has it out for Sans."

"Sans? Did he do something to her?"

"No. She um.. Is just.. Blood thristy.. As you may call it. Ah fuck it. Your sister wants to kill Sans because he has feelings for me."

She stared at me, not surprised, but definitely not calm. She seemed, anxious almost, but not at the same time. In other words, her expression was unreadable.

"Dammit, Chara. Again?"

"Again? She's done stuff like this before?"

"Yeah. But she's always been after Sans. Not in a good way either. You see, a long time ago. Sans and Chara would amazing friends. They were the best of friends. Sans didn't even care about her denomic behaviors. He was happy with her around. Then.. You came around."

"Wait.. But-"

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything.. But if there's one person Chara hates more than Sans.. Its you. Because the day you entered his life, was the day he forgot all about Chara. He hardly acknowledged her existence. Until one day, when she asked him to dance with her at a school dance, he told her that you already said that you would."

I remembered then. We loved to dance and at that dance we rocked the dance floor. I remembered seeing Chara there, but she seemed normal. Wait.. I knew Chara back then. I just now remembered that? Its like she never even existed. No wonder she hates me. I stole Sans from without even knowing that Sans knew her. He never told me that him and Chara were friends.

"Chara was furious. She hated you for taking hi from her. She hated him for leaving her to be with you. She then became a power hungry bitch. All she wants is to become powerful and make everyone's lives miserable. I'm the only who she still treats with respect. I do the same for her, but I know that her demon side has gotten the best of her."

"Her demon side?"

"She's not just a demon. She's a half demon. Its why she's always looking for power. She doesn't have as much as a normal demon."

I looked away from her. Chara being the way she is.. Its my fault. I felt so horrible and Chara wouldn't listen to me if I tried to talk to her..

"What now?" I asked.

"We wait. Chara will be home soon."

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