Chapter 5: Partners

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"The little bitch," I growled as I practiced my dance. They didn't give the major details quite yet. They were supposed to be in the mail that day, but they hadn't arrived yet. So, I practiced some of my ballet in general.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8," I tried to keep a steady beat to one of the ballet dances I did when I was in school. It was very simple, but a very difficult rhythm to keep up with. The beat would slowly speed up, sometimes causing me to loose balance.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-"

"Iris~? Hello~!" Sans came in with a musical tone. I was still trying to get better with the steady beat. I counted in my head.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4-

"Eek!!" I began to fall backwards, but Sans grabbed my hand and put his own hand on my waist and spun me around. My back was pressed against his torso.

"Heh.. H-Hey Sans."

He chuckled, letting me go. I whirled around to face him, but mail was put in my face.

"Your mail. I stopped by your place, but you weren't there. I grabbed your mail for ya."

I took it and looked at the few envelopes I had gotten. I then looked up to him, slightly confused, "How did you know where I was?"

He snorted, "Simple. I asked Grillby. He told me you'd be here like you normally were. When you're not working, that is."

I looked through my mail. Bills. Bills. Post card. Bills. Aha! Bingo!

I pulled out the envelope labeled: Annual Dance Competition for Third Estate Information.

I tore open the envelope and read the letter.

Dear (Y/n) (L/n),

Congratulations! You have been selected to compete in the Dance competition for the Third Estate in the Underground. You will needed to create a dance for a song of your choosing with a dance partner.

I stopped once I finished that paragraph, "A partner?"

"A partner? That's not too bad. As long as you choose someone who is actually half way decent of a dancer."

I began to blush. I wanted to ask him, but I was too nervous. He was good, and he could be good with doing some ballet. I bite my lip at the thought and I look down, putting the letter in my pocket.

"Well, I'll figure that out later. For right now, I'm trying to get this rhythm down."

Sans smiled, "Need help?"

"Sorta.. It's a steady beat for awhile but then it gets faster and I can't keep up."

I began to dance again, while counting out loud. I took careful steps as I passed Sans, because he was in the way. Not that it mattered.

That's when my counting became faster, and so did my movements, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8."

I felt my balance begin to slip, but then it was fixed. Sans had his hands on my waist. I couldn't help but blush and my counting became ragged and quiet. I wouldn't be able to have Sans be my partner if all I could do was blush everytime he touched me.

He kept his hands on my waist, even when I jumped. In fact, he threw me into the air, making me slightly shriek, and he caught me. My heart was doing somersaults inside my chest, it was beating so hard.

"Heh.. you're good with this sort of stuff, aren't ya?"

He chuckled as he let go of my waist, "Well, I did spend many years in Dance Academy. Don't worry Iris. I've been doing some stuff these past few years."

I looked down and stared at my black torso piece. How could I ask him to be my dance partner? His girlfriend would bury me alive.

Then, it hit me. A brilliant thought drifted into my devious mind.

That little bitch can suck it up. I'll show her, who she can push around.

"Sans?" I asked, suddenly nervous again. It was Sans; Of course I would have been nervous.

He looked over at me and gave me a slightly mischievous look, "Yeah?"

"D-do you... um.. want to be my.. dance partner for the.. erm... competition?"

His grin grew as he approached me again, "I thought you'd never ask."

He puts his hands on my shoulders and said, "You choose the dance. I'll be back tomorrow to practice, k?"

"Uh yeah! Where are you going?"

"To see Chara.. I told her I'd be back by now.. heh.. Oh well. She'll have to deal with it.. heh. Later Iris!"

"Bye Sans," I smiled as i watched him leave the room. I spun around and fell onto the cushioned mat, gleefully smiling. We would win, and then I would go to the next round. I was so excited that I felt like I'd fall over. I laughed. Already did that.

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