Chapter 9: Chara's Tired of Your Shit

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I ran. I ran as fast as I could down the path. One week. One week until the competition. How many weeks had it been since I last saw Sans. I don't know, but that's the problem. I needed to practice with him.

For the past few weeks I had been doing three things:
Obsess over an anime

I couldn't stop thinking about him. Why did I have to make him so upset?! Dammit, I'm such an idiot!!

I stopped in front of Sans and Paps' place. It was very quiet.. too quiet.. What the hell was going on in there? I looked in the window to see that the living room was empty. I groaned as I looked up towards the second story window. A light was on. I slowly and surely climb up the siding and peak in the window. What do you know.

Sans. Chara. Fighting. Or at least yelling, or probably fighting. About what though? They kept yelling at each other, throwing there hands in the air and every once in awhile crossing there arms and shaking their head in disgust. I wanted to try and open the window, so I looked up, noticing the window was unlocked. So as they started yelling again, I slowly opened the window about an inch, instantly hearing the conversation.

"All you ever do is talk about her!! I thought you were mad at her for some reason!! I mean, come on! Snap out of it, Sans!"

"Chara, I wasn't mad at her. I was just upset at you!"

"Why me?! I've done everything for you!!" She looked very pissed, not that it wasn't normal. She always looked pissed even when she was smiling.

"That deal we made? That's the only reason I deal with shit!"

That's when the window made a loud squeak. My heart sank as Chara instantly looked to me and I fell. I fell hard onto the ground allowing myself to groan in pain. I quickly stood when I heard the door open and I saw Chara, looking even more pissed than she was upstairs.

"I've told you to back off. I told you never to see him again! But what do you do? You do the exact opposite!! I'm real tired of your shit, (Y/n). So I'm just going to end this!" Chara's eyes were glowing red and the whites of her eyes had turned black.

As soon as I saw the knife behind her back and ran. I ran quickly behind a tree, but regretted it when her knife was suddenly stuck into the tree right next to my head.

Alright Iris. Time to take matters into your own hands. Use those years of self defense to your advantage.

I ran around the tree and saw her pulling the knife out, so I snuck up behind her. She realized I was there and tried to plunge the knife into me, but I jumped down, landing on my back. I kicked her in the stomach and she fell to the ground, her knife thrown away from her.

I grabbed her shirt collar and growled, "This is for being such a damn bitch."

I made a tight fist and then punched her as hard as I could in the face, letting her fly out of my grip and onto the ground. Her nose was bleeding.

Sans quickly stopped me before I could do it again. He stood in front of me, defending her?!

"I'm sorry Iris. I didn't want this to happen," He said, showing a pleading face. I just growled and gave him a stern glare, "Mind explaining some things to me?"


"He isn't saying anything!" Chara spat as she stood up, wiping some blood from her face, "We made a deal, so you cannot interfere. I'm sorry to say, but I think you should leave."

"I can't!" I yelled, making two tight fists, "I need my dance partner and whether you like it or not, I don't think you have the right to say he can or cannot be my partner. Just because you are the total horrible, disgusting, and most bitchy asshole I've ever met, I won't let you stand in my way of becoming the best ballet dancer. So if you'll excuse us, but we have some practicing to do. Good day to you."

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