Chapter 13: Cut the Chit Chat

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I had a week til my next letter would arrive. What was I going to do? Probably work, but.. something told me to go see Sans. Everytime I said his name I just growled and continued doing what I was doing.

Grillby came up from behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Y/n? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just.. I don't know.. I wouldn't say that sad is the right word."

He sighed, taking away the glass I was cleaning and sat down in front of me, "It's about Sans, isn't it?"

I looked up at him, "How did you-?"

"It's my Grillby instincts kicking in. Now, let me just tell you something, Y/n. Sans was always a cool kid, but I think Chara is changing him."

"She's always mean to me.. to Sans.. She said she'd kill someone if Sans didn't do as she said.." I wasn't quite sure why I told him that, but I felt like I should. I could get his advice on it. I needed it.

Grillby set the glass down and sighed, "Now, Don't get me wrong Y/n. I am your father and I don't like him just by the fact that you like him-"

"Woah! Wait!" I began to blush and I held my hands up, "I don't like him in that way, Grill. Come on... H-He isn't my type."

He looked at me, laughing slightly, "Funny Y/n. I wouldn't believe that for a second."

I gaped at him, wide eyes staring at his glasses. I was immune to heat, but I was feeling uncomfortably hot at that very moment.

"Anyway.. Chara is like any other bitch. Karma will come collect her debt soon enough. For now, you should talk to Sans."


"Because it may help your relationship if you talk it out. Besides, I guess you have to start a relationship sometime or another. Might as well be now. Just don't get too hot under those clothes, Y/n."

I turned a deep crimson and I looked down at the ground. I wasn't quite what sure what to say to that. Instead, I smiled politely and walked around the bar to leave, "Thanks Grillby."

"No problem. Remember what I told you. If I visit, you better be sleeping in that bed."

"Yeah," I turned and left the building, immediatly muttering, "He could have just been blunt about it.."
"Go away."

I growled and knocked harder on his door, "Sans! Open the damn door!!"

The door stayed shut, which was making me angry. I didn't want to break the door down or anything, but I felt like I was going to because of how annoyed I was getting.

"I just want to talk! Let me in!"

I could have sworn that I heard him chuckle. It sent a major shiver down my back as I heard a click from behind the door. Sans peered over at me from the crack in the door. He looked me up and down and then sighed, "You just want to talk? After what happened?"

"Sans, just.. let me in," I looked at him, trying to show that I was trying to be compassionate about the whole thing that happened.

Sans closed the door and then there was another click before he opened the door all the way again. He was in normal clothes, except his normal jacket was replaced with a blue pull over sweatshirt. He didn't look very upset. In fact, he looked almost normal, except there wasn't the usual smile on his face.

"Five minutes, and then you leave, Iris," He turned and walked into the living room. I followed, shutting the door behind me. Papyrus didn't seem to be anywhere, which wasn't very normal.

"Where's Papyrus?"

"With Undyne. They're practicing a routine I guess. I don't know."

I sighed as I sat down on the couch. Sans stood in front of me and shoved his hands in his pockets. He looked down at me with a blank stare that almost terrified me.

"Sans.. I just wanted to talk. So we can still hang out and put what happened behind us."

"Behind us? Ha! You'll never let this down, Iris. You know that," He actually chuckled and looked away, smiling. It was an annoyed smile.

"Come on, Sans. Don't be like that. I want to be your best friend. Like what we used to be. I miss that, so much. You can't just disappear on me again! You promised you wouldn't do that anymore!"

"I did not. You made yourself think I did."

I growled, standing up, "So? Do you want to disappear on me?! Is that fun to you? Is that why you left to begin with? To see me upset and mad and... and.."

"Iris. Come on. Of course not. I wouldn't leave to make you upset. That's the last thing I wanted to do. I told you. I left because-"

"I know why you left. Just.. You aren't going to disappear on me again are you?" I didn't realize I felt so sad all of a sudden. I just wanted to talk to him and get my best friend back. I'm not sure what I was getting out of all of what I was saying.

I squeezed the bridge of my nose with my fingers and leaned up against the wall. I was doing this to myself. I couldn't blame him for how I was feeling.

Sans walked up to me and sighed, "Don't be upset Iris. I'm not going to disappear on you. Look at me."

When I didn't look at me he said it again, "Look at me, Iris."

I refused to, but after a second, I felt his hand on my chin and he forced me to look at him, "Sans?"

"I'm not going to leave you behind again. Not in a million years," He stared into my eyes and then they traveled down my face to my lips.

Sans? What are you doing?!

Before I could understand what was going on, I realized that he was so close. My eyes darted for a way to escape, but his arm was blocking my way upstairs, and his other hand was on my chin.

Was he going to kiss me?

That's when there was a knock on the door. "Sans~! I'm back!"


Sans shot away from me and looked away, looking very annoyed as he approached the door. He opened it, letting Chara walk in. She instantly spotted me and growled, "What is she-?!"

"She was returning something to me. She'll be leaving now," He looked to me and I nodded. I walked out the door, but stopped to look at Sans. He kept his blank stare but smiled slightly, "I'll see ya another time."

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