Chapter 8: A Hard Truth

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Guys, I think I have a new obsession. It's an anime over alley Soul Eater.. I'm like in love with one of the characters.. God damn my bestie who brought this curse upon me 💢


"Where the hell did you get that black eye?!" Grillby demanded to know who punched me, but I insisted it was nothing. If I were to deal with Chara, I'd do it myself, Sans' girlfriend or not.

"I'm telling you, it's nothing. It was an accident."

"Did that no good skeleton punch you?" He asked grabbing my chin and looking at my eye.

"No! He wouldn't do that to me, Grill. Let go of my chin," He let go of my chin and crossed my arms. This isn't how I wanted to start work. I would have to explain this to Sans too. Ugh.. what a pain.

Grillby sighed as he handed me my wash cloth, "Just don't make yourself blind, okay?"

I nodded as I started wiping the counters, right as two skeletons walk in. Sans and Papyrus.

"IRIS!! I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU IN YEARS!!" Papyrus was his normal loud self. He hadn't changed much. I smiled at Paps as he walked over. Sans looked drunk as he slowly and sloppily walked over.


Sans must have just woken up and at 6 in the morning at that. He was never a morning type of guy. He hadn't even looked at me until he sat on the stool. He looked at me and instantly he was awake and yelling, "Who punched you?!"

Here we go again.

"It's nothing Sans. It was an accident," It was most certainly not an accident, but I'm not even sure Sans would believe me if I told him the truth, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

I grabbed a plate of spagetti and set it in front of Paps, making him instantly start eating it. I turned around to get a bottle of ketchup, but when I turned back around, Sans' hands were suddenly on either side of my face.

I can't say whether I was surprised or not, but I was blushing hard as he studied my eye.

"S-Sans? Um.. What are you... doing?" I asked, even though I knew he was looking at my black eye. I wanted both for him to stay like that and to let go. Was it wrong to want him to kiss me?

He finally let go, "If you insist that it was nothing, then I guess I'll believe you. Just.. be careful."

I nodded as I handed him the bottle and walked into the kitchen where Grillby stood there staring at me. Or at least it looked like it.

"What was that all about?"


"He had his hands on your face."


"(Y/n).. I think you should be cautious about him."

"You aren't my dad. I can take care of myself."

He sighed and walked up to me, "Maybe be more careful around him because of his girlfriend."

I already had that figured out, but what does he know that I don't? I said, "Why?"

"That girl is the definition of up to something. I don't like it. Just be wary, (Y/n)."

《Tımə Skıþ》[Brought to you by ketchup]
Sans and I walked down the road towards the dance studio after work. For some reason I kept day dreaming about him since what happened earlier. Dammit Iris. Stop thinking about him!

"Iris? Are you sure that you're okay?" Sans asked scratching the back of his skull.

I smiled as I stopped and stood in front of him, "Sans, even if I told what happened, it wouldn't matter cuz it was just a silly mistake. I'm clumsy, you know that."

He snorted, "Clumsy? You're the definition of clumsy," He said as he stepped forward and then suddenly tripped and fell. It happened so quickly, I hardly realized what happened. Before either knew it, I was on the ground. My eyes remained closed as I muttered, "And you call me clumsy."

I opened my eyes and looked up, noticing Sans above me, holding himself up by his hands. I stared up at him, blushing madly. He also had a face that was quickly turning blue. Even so, he just stayed there, not caring. What the hell was I going to do?!

He finally stood up very suddenly and quickly. He looked away from me, trying to avoid eye contact. He chuckled nervously, "L-Let's keep going.."

I stood up and nodded, a tinted blush still on my face.

Skipping to approx. Five minutes from then》

"Sans?" I finally broke the silence after a couple of minutes.


"Why did you start dating Chara?"

He grumbled, "I'd rather not talk about it."


"I just don't want to," He said, starting to look a little irritated. If he got irritated everytime he was asked about Chara, I can only imagine how their relationship is actually going.

"Well, did you ask her out?"

"No, but... it's really complicated."

"Uh-huh.. Really complicated. Mind explaining?"

He growled and stopped as he looked to me, "I told you I don't want to talk about it. Why can't you just lay off?"

I was slightly stunned by his sudden harsh tone. Only five minutes ago, he was being his sweet self. Then Chara comes into the subject and he's pissed at me. If he doesn't like her that much, then why date her? It seems counter intuitive if you asked me.

"C'mon Sans. I just want to help."

"Then help by leaving me alone."

"S-Sans?! What's with you?! You never used to act this way. Why are you yelling at me for just asking questions about your so-called girlfriend?!"

He growled and finally looked at me with a glowing blue eye, "Why do you keep pestering me with stupid questions?"

And then, he turned and walked away. Back down the path until he was out of sight.

What had I done?

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