Chapter 22: Is She Real?

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Before the chapter begins.. I would like to say a few things..

One.. I really hope you guys aren't upset that I put myself into the story, but I'm also glad I did it because it becomes important later on.. Not saying I'm important cuz I'm just a piece of shit writing shit fan fiction +-+

Second.. I thought you guys should know exactly what I look like.. At least my face.. So here's a picture of me.

Edit: I removed the picture of me cuz it was cringy as Fuuuuuck. Sorry bout that :)


I shot up out of bed at the sound of my alarm going off. It was nine in the morning. Time for me to get dressed and head to Sans' place.

I couldn't help but think back to Rae. She couldn't possibly be real. Me. The main character of a book? Plllease. I'm gonna go to see Sans and then he won't kiss me and then I will feel like shit. It was to be expected. It was also to be expected that Snowdn would once again be covered in snow. I hadn't been to his place in awhile, but last time I was there, it was a beautiful paradise.

I put on some jeans and one of my favorite t-shirts that I had gotten years ago. Then I threw on my sneakers before running out the door. I had no idea why I was so excited. There was nothing to be excited about, except for the fact that I could see Sans. I always questioned myself about why I cared so much about him. I guess you could say I was just really attracted to him. I couldn't help but tell myself that.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at his door. I knock and then backed up a few feet. The door was almost instantly opened by Sans, who had a huge smile on his face.

"Its about damn time, Iris! Come on. Let's talk!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the couch. He hopped down next to me, "I have terrible news!"

Woah. What the fuck?

"Sans.. If you have terrible news, then why are you smiling?"

"To make the situation a little less horrible." He stopped smiling for a second and put on a serious face.

"There's two parts to the news. So let's start with the really bad news. Chara left me a note and she wants me dead. Isn't that great?" He said the last part sarcastically andanden pulled out a note and set it down on my leg. I looked at the note and started to read it, but I stopped at the second sentence.

Your sexual attraction for her is sending you to your grave, comedian.

Heh heh heh.. WHAT?!

"The second part of the news.. Is the reason she wants to kill me is because of my sexual attraction for you."

I went very still when I heard those words. I looked back down at the note. My name all over the damn thing. Chara wanted him dead. She didn't want his power anymore. She wanted him dead because he saw something in me? That makes no sense. She wanted me dead before because I was taking him from her and now she wants him dead for the same reason. This wasn't making any sense. But what made less sense was that Sans liked me. In a sexual way.

I turned to look at him, but I was suddenly pushed down onto my back. Sans pressed his mouth to my lips and we were kissing. My eyes shot open and I turned a bright red. I liked this, but I had no fucking idea what was going on. I shrieked when he bit my lip and his tongue snuck his way into my mouth.


Rae you bitch. You're real and this is actually happening.

A/n: Nope. I'm not real. Definitely not. I'm a fucking ghost. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I know I put my shitty self in the story, but its for a good cause.. At least for the plot its a good cause.

I slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I'm kissing a skeleton. That's sorta fucked up. What'll Grillby think? That I'm a slut for skeletons.

Alright, let's be real here. I am.

OK. I know this was the worst chapter ever, mostly cuz it was full of Author notes and it moved quicker than most chapters but.. I was trying to get this out to you guys as quick as possible. So.. Again.. Sorry for a short chapter, but I promise the next one will be better.

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