Chapter 4: Bridge

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I run to the door as I hear a knock on the door. I knew it was Sans. Why? Cuz he called earlier and told me he was coming.

I stood at the door and tidied myself up. I couldn't get the huge smile off my face.

I opened the door and there he stood. Smiling and alone. I stepped out of my house and closed the door, "You wanted to go somewhere, right?"

He nodded, "Nowhere special. Just somewhere we used to go."

I walked next to him, keeping my hands hidden behind my back. I cleared my throat, "So.. um.. when did you meet Chara? She seems.. nice..?"

He sighed, seeming slightly disappointed, but it disappeared as fast as it appeared, "I met her at this party with Frisk. It wasn't a party like with loud music and beer or anything. It was a simple party for this kid's birthday. Frisk introduced me to her."

"Oh well. That seems nice," I said, an amount of jealousy probably could've been detected, but he didn't pick up on it.

"Anyway.. enough about her. What's been going on with you? When did you finally learn to dance?"

My smile came back as I remembered my first dance class, "Well, after you left.. I remembered all the.. things you told me about my wish to dance. So, to remember you.. I guess I decided to start dancing. I wanted to prove to be the best dancer you've ever seen. I think I have proven myself."

He chuckled, "Ya know, you aren't the only one who has some moves. I have been learning some stuff myself."

For a second I wasn't sure if he was serious, but then he looked down at me with a mischievous smirk. I smirked back, "Oh really? You couldn't be nearly as good as me," I teased.

He grabbed my hand and spun me around and before I could even comprehend what happened, I was bent backwards with my legs in the air. He smiled down at me causing me to blush lightly. He spins me onto my hands and causes me to do a cartwheel. He catches me once I'm back on my feet by my waist. All I could do was let out a tiny squeak. Since when could Sans do that?

He snickered, "You alright?"

"Of course I'm alright. I just..." I was still tinted pink and he was still holding my waist, "Um..."

He chuckled as he let go of me, "Anyway, We're almost there," He said as he turned back towards the way we were going. I could see the bridge in the distance and I couldn't help but smile again. The bridge. So many memories came from that exact spot. All the times we spent together.

Sans stepped onto the old wood and leaned over the edge, looking at the sparkling water. I walked to the very top of the bridge and leaned over the edge as well. The water looked almost clear. I could see the colorful fish swimming around and the rocks at the bottom.

I felt Sans' bone hand touch my bare shoulder. I flinched, and looked to him. He was looking down at the water, smiling, "Do you remember the old days? When we'd spend all afternoon here?"

I nodded, remembering us staring at the water for hours because it was so beautiful, "Yeah. We'd be here all day just talking and staring at the water. Mom would get mad cuz we always ran off to here."

"Your mom didn't care. She still lived us," He smiled, his eyes still on the water. I chuckled, "Yeah. She did."

We were silent again. I bent down and skidded my finger across the water. Some of the fish came up to my finger and swam around it. I giggled as I heard Sans begin to speak again.



"Do you know how I gave you that nickname?"

"I have no idea. I just remember you called me that one day and it stuck."

He smiled as he bent down beside me, "Well.. Iris is the Greek goddess for rainbows."

I looked at him and smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, but that's not the reason. The reason is because a rainbow has all the different colors that we see everyday. Red. Orange. Yellow. So on," He paused for a second putting his legs over the edge and sitting down, "All the colors make our world beautiful. That's why I call you Iris. You are one of the reasons that I see our world beautiful. Cuz you're here."

I smiled and blushed at the same time. He called me beautiful. That made me so happy.

Suddenly, I felt something push me and I fell face first into the water. Water went into my mouth and in my nose. I came up out of the water, coughing. My feet just barely touched the bottom.

I looked up to see Chara. She looked slightly shocked, "Oh.. Oops.. Sorry. I wanted to sneak up on you. Did I scare you?"

She pushed me...

"Chara?" Sans asked, standing up, "What are you doing here?"

She smiled at him, "Oh.. I was having a little stroll. Then I saw you two talking and I thought I might sneak up on you guys.. heh. Sorry (Y/n)."

I held back a scowl as I began to climb up out of the water. "Sans, go get (Y/n) a towel. I'll help her out."

He nodded, "Alright. I'll be back."

He turned and walked away as Chara helped me out of the water. I looked up to see her eyes glowing red and her hands grabbing onto my wet shirt, "Listen up bitch. If you think you can take him from me, you're dead wrong."

"Woah. Hey. I'm not taking him from you. What makes you think I was?!"

"I saw how you were looking at him. He's mine. So if you do try to take him, you are dead."

Her red eyes disappeared and she let go of my shirt as Sans appeared with a towel, "I got a towel."

I learned something that day. Chara is a little bitch.

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