Chapter 10: So Close, Yet So Far

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"I'm sorry. I made a deal, and part of it is not to tell anyone," Sans said as we continued to walk towards the dance studio. I kept running and stopping in front of him trying to get him to tell me the deal.

"Sans, I can help you! I can help you get out of that stupid deal, if you'd just tell me!"

"Too much is at stake, Iris."

I growled and stood in front of him again, "I am going to give you one more chance. Tell me what the deal is!"

He ignored me and walked right past me. I felt my anger take control and I ran up to him and smacked him. He stared at me, in shock.

I bared my teeth and said, "Tell me! What's it going to hurt if I know? It's not like I'm going to tell the whole damn Underground about it! I just want to help!"

He sighed and then looked up at the sky, "You.. can't help.. My brother is at risk if I tell you.."

"Is she blackmailing you?"

He let out a harsh sigh and then looked back at me, "If I tell you, you better not say this to anyone, or else you're dead, Y/n."

I put my right hand up and crossed my heart with my left, "What are best friends for, Sans?"

I gave him a nervous smile, hoping he'd smile back, but instead he looked down concerned, "Chara said she'd kill my brother if I didn't do everything she said. That includes dating her which was the worst thing that ever happened to me."

"Then why not break up with her and then turn her into the police," I argued.

"And what will they do? Nothing. Nothing as always! They don't care!"

"Sans, then take care of her yourself! You're more than capable!"

"Then what about Frisk, huh? How heart broken would she be if I killed her only sister. The only person she has left?"

I crossed my arms, almost getting jealous for some reason, "Who would want a sister like Chara? She is mean, bitchy, and she blackmails people! Do what's right, Sans!"

"Y/n.. No matter how much I want Chara to be out of my life. It just.. doesn't matter anymore. I came back here, because I thought Paps would be safer here, but... he's no safer here, than he was hundreds of miles from here. She follows us, everywhere."

I was feeling so many different emotions at the moment, that I didn't know what to think. He wasn't here to see me or his old friends. He came because his brother was in danger. In a way, it made me feel small, like he wouldn't have come if it weren't for his brother. Maybe I was being selfish, but.. I almost felt hurt. He was trying to protect only two people. Paps and Frisk. I wasn't in the equation.

I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets, "Well, I guess we should just.. Get going then, huh?"

I walked ahead of Sans, who hardly noticed my tears falling down my face. Who was I to think that he came to see me? I wasn't even thought of until he saw me at the concert weeks ago. I guess I was wrong to think anything would be different.

Sans P.O.V.
What was wrong with me? I'm such a jerk. I lied straight to her face, and now I have to pretend I don't care. Papyrus wasn't in danger of being killed. Iris was in danger of being killed. I couldn't tell her that. I couldn't tell her that because of me, she was a target.

I could see her tears from where I was walking, but I couldn't do anything about it. I wasn't supposed to comfort her or anything after what Chara added to the deal.

Dammit, I was such an idiot. Now what? We would be practicing, and what if she doesnt even try. She's probably so upset and hurt.

It took us awhile, but we reached the dance studio. I had practiced hard while I was sorta upset. I mean, I wasn't mad, not at her. I needed to make Chara think otherwise though.

The two of us walked in and instantly Iris left for the bathroom. I was staying in the clothes I was wearing, so I stood and waited.

I wish things were different, but I can't change the past, and I can't change the present. Maybe, though, I could change the future.

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