15. Fear is Often Greater Than the Danger Itself

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Pete's POV

My morning went just as I hoped. Patrick is still a little paranoid about this whole thing, he wouldn't be if he decided to be with me instead he is torn between my father and me.

I looked over and Brendon was sitting between Dallon and Ryan on the grass. Brendon was once placed in the situation Patrick's in. But later on Ryan and Dallon were scared that Brendon wouldn't want them, so they decided to share him.

I think it must of been harder on Ryan. I mean Brendon had known him for the longest time, before Dallon appeared.

I wouldn't want to have a relationship like that. Ever since I realized I loved Patrick, it's impossible for me to share him. Just seeing my dad try to kiss him is enough to drive me crazy.

I give credit to both Dallon and Ryan and hopefully there won't be a time when Brendon really has to choose.

I laid in the grass waiting for the bell to ring for my next class. It was really just one of those lazy slow days at school. If I would have known, I could have just stayed home and cuddled with Patrick.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket interrupting my thoughts... It was my dad. Strange he never callse while I'm at school.

"Hello, dad what's up?"

"Pete, I'm on my way to pick you up. I'll explain everything later okay?"

"Uhh sure."

Within the first ten minutes of my next class my father finally arrived and took me away from my hell hole.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"It's this new client at work. She is having this formal event and I can't stand being alone with her and her daughter."

"And you needed me how?"

"Well this client is flirting with me and I hate to be alone with her one more minute... We are meeting her at the reception of her party there is were we will sign the contact tonight."

"Why don't you just tell her to stop?" I asked.

"I would but one wrong move with this and I can loose the deal of a life time... I just need you to help me until the party."

"And what about the daughter? What if she's like her mother and tries to flirt with me?"

He shrugged, "only you can decide that... I'm thinking once the new client meets Patrick she will back off. Or else I think he will get jealous..."

"You think Patrick will get jealous?" I asked.

"Eh, I don't know about now. Since we are engaged, but in the start of our relationship he would get a little jealous when someone flirted with me. It was really cute, but I don't want him to be intimidated by anyone. He's really one of a kind."

Patrick was once jealous of the people around my dad. Jealous would be that he did love my father. I don't want Patrick to feel anything for Peter especially jealously, that would mean that he still has stong feelings for him. And where would that put me?

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