30. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

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Pete's POV

It was actually so much cooler here in Chicago, it looked like it was about to rain. It felt nice, not having the sun in my eyes for once. I felt my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID 'Brendon'.

"Hey, need any more knots untied?" I said sarcastically.

I heard him fake laugh, "Very funny Wentz. Although I have to thank you, I didn't know who to call to help me out yesterday."

"Yeah well, next time dude have them tie you up. It's much easier and I don't get involved... Besides because of that, I almost lost Patrick... My father took him to Chicago to get him away from me."

"Really!? Dude that's awful. So he knows everything now?"

"Yup... And I don't know what's up with him anymore. Patrick and I are actually considering moving here."

"Hey! You can't do that. I'm over here, who else am I going to talk too?"

I laughed, "it's not like I'm leaving you alone. You have Ryan and Dallon, they love you too much they'll never leave."

"Well then, I'm heading out to Chicago..."

"No Brendon, you don't have do."

"I'm going too! Besides how is school going to work? Graduation hasn't happened yet."

"I know, I'll be back in day or so finish school and come right back."

"Is Patrick coming with you or he's staying, because of your father" he asked.

"I don't know, that's up to him why?"

"Well, I haven't met him. And I'm still mad at you for that! All the time you talk about him and I don't even get to see a picture!" he yelled.

"You will, I promise."

"Put him on the phone!"

"What? Brendon no... He's asleep..."

"Still!? Damn, you weren't joking."

"Well our time zones are different..." I kissed Patrick on the top of his head, he was still sound asleep his head against my chest.

"Okay then, tell me when you get here. I doubt you have anywhere to crash before graduation."

"Will do, goodbye Beebo."

I put the phone back on the nightstand and wrapped my arms tightly against Patrick kissing the side of his head.

He groaned in frustration, "stop Pete... You're too loud."

I chuckled, "love you..." I muttered.

"Love you too... Who were you talking too?" he asked still with his eyes closed.

"My friend Brendon, he really wants to met you."

"Really? I never met someone that was excited to meet me."

I laughed, "everyone would be excited to meet you if they knew how amazing you are.... Besides you and Brendon will get along just fine. And you'll get to met his lovers."

"A two way relationship. How does it even work?"

I shrugged, "... All I know is that Dallon and Ryan both share Brendon. They don't really like each other, but for Brendon they make it work."

"I could never share you, Pete" he says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Me either Trick... Why are you so cuddling today?"

"No reason, but if you don't want me to be then..." he started pulling himself from my grip.

"No!" I said hugging him tighter.
"I love you this way, and all the other ways."

He nodded, "you better" he yawned before drifting off to sleep.

Yeah, there was no way I would share this man with anyone.

(Ah, no inspiration to write. This is just a filter... Sorry guys.)

Stepfather (Peterick)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora