1.The Broken, The New, and The Old

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Pete's POV

I hate my father's dinner parties. Well I think hate isn't even a strong word, more like abhor them. Fake laughs around the room, people pretending to like each other. And the music is worse I have nothing against the violin, but the way these musicians play it makes me want to go to sleep.

The only reason my dad is even having this dinner party is so he can introduce or more like brag about his new fiance. I haven't even met him yet, what surprised me was my father was going to marry a guy that wasn't of our class. There is nothing wrong being middle class, but my father is those who you see with famous, rich, and beautiful people.

I wonder how long this marriage will last. This will be the fourth marriage of my father. He can't seem to find the one, ever since my mom died.

What I found amusing out of this party was that the two women and the one man my father married are all here placed in the same table. They been arguing on who was the best wife or husband out of the three. I wonder if this guy knows about those three.

The first wife after my mom, my father married was Jessica. She is a daddy's girl that always got her way. She has tan skin with fake blonde hair, I never got along with her. When my father was around she would pretend to be nice to me and treat me like a little kid. Their relationship only lasted for five months, after my father met Martha.

Martha was my father's new secretary, the second wife. Martha had to get a job as a secretary because her family went bankrupt. She was different from Jessica, with her natural brown hair and green eyes. She treated me with respect and wasn't fake like Jessica. I thought she was the one for my dad. Until my father realized he could see her only as a new best friend. She was devastated, but understood so she could still keep her job.

The third guy was Travis he is a rich man from New York City. My father met him on a business trip, Travis was the first guy ever that my father was ever attracted to. With his dirty blonde hair and suits and the so called amazing smell of his cologne they only lasted in matrimony for two months. The problem was the distance. My father wanted to stay in Los Angeles but Travis wanted to stay in New York. They tried the long distance thing, but Travis ended being unfaithful. I don't know much about him, since I never really saw him much.

Now I want to know the new guy. I'm intrigued to know how my father met him, how he looks like and how long they will last.

The music stopped playing and the announcer was up with the microphone looking at all of us.

"Hello everyone, we are here to congratulate and meet Peter's new fiance... So please put your hands together for future Mr. And Mr. Wentz."

Everyone stood up from their seats and clapped once my father and his boyfriend entered the room. The first thing I noticed was how short the guy was, he had strawberry blonde hair, wearing a suite and tie with a fedora placed on his head.

He was very young looking, younger then me even. But that can't be possible because I'm still in high school. I still couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Stepfather (Peterick)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora