8. A Mouth Is A Gate To Misfortune

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Patrick's POV

Was Pete about to kiss me? Then real question was, was I going to let it happen?

I shook my head vigorously. I heard a little chuckle coming from my fiance. "Are you okay, Patrick?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just thinking."

He smiled, That beautiful smile I fell in love with. I wrapped myself in his arms and kissed his soft, beautiful, warm, welcoming lips. These were the only lips... He was the only one I should be thinking of ever letting him touch me like this.

"It's only been a day, but I missed you."

He chuckled again before kissing me again. "I'll take you wherever I go next time, although it's quite boring..."

"I don't care about that... I just want to be with you."

His smiled wide, "Well then, if I would have known you were going to be this cheesy, I would have came home sooner."

I smacked his arm playfully, "Oh shut up, and kiss me again."

He was about too, until we hear Pete clear his throat loudly from the doorway.

"Pete, I'm glad to see you and Patrick have gotten along."

He nodded, "Yeah, Patrick is a really cool dude. I could see why you fell for him dad... So how was the capital of California?"

"Sacramento was great. The client though refused to sign a contract and no matter how persuasive the team and I were we couldn't do anything."

"That's too bad."

"Not all that bad, while we lost one client we gained another. We couldn't sign anything right away but after two weeks we will. Which reminds me, Patrick I hope you don't mind flying out with me to Sacramento before we head to our honeymoon since it will be around the same time."

I shook my head, "Not at all, I'd like to visit there anyway."

"Great, well I'm going to head upstairs and rest... I'll meet you upstairs." he kissed me cheek lightly before heading up.

Pete still stood there, now staring at me. It was hard to know what he was thinking, with that blank expression on his face. I decided just to let him be, as I walked right passed him to back into the kitchen to get me coffee.

He grabbed me by the arm before pulling me into the kitchen. He placed another hand on my face, feeling once again my lips before Peter came back.

"I'm sorry Patrick, but I have to to do this to get you out of my mind."

My eyes widen... Pete's lips were on mine, he was kissing me. I felt the world has stopped, I felt like I couldn't move even though my legs felt like they were going to give up on me at any second. He's lips were soft, warm, with a hint of hazelnut creamer. It's something I never felt with anyone, not even Peter.

I had to fight back, I couldn't do this. Peter was right upstairs, I can't do this to him, he doesn't deserve this. I pushed him far back away from me, before running upstairs.

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