16. Short Talks and Late Nights

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Patrick's POV

Peter didn't call or text me all day. Instead he told Andy that I should get ready for a get together, but mostly likely it's a big formal event. I tried to call him, but his phone was off. I would ask Pete if he knew anything, but it's almost seven at night and he hasn't been home since this morning.

For the evening I decided to wear a grey suit with my black fedora. Something simple, but casual.

"Trick, your ride is here" Joe says looking out the window. "Oh dude, Peter got you a limo!?... well I shouldn't be surprised, he has always spoiled you... I wonder if Pete would too?"

I sighed, "Joe, you and Andy agreed to drop the conversation."

"Yeah, but we also told you not to get married until you were completely sure."

I looked at the time, it was few minutes passed seven and I didn't know how far the reception was. "I have to go we'll talk later."

"I hold you to that, Stump."

As I was about to leave Jordon and Ruby both ran up to me. "Uncle Patty, please take us with you!" They both pleaded.

Joe laughed, "No, it's almost time for your bed time. Besides your daddy and I would be bored without you."

"But daddy!"

I looked down at the twins before giving them each a hug. "Listen to your dad and I promise to take you both out next time."

"Okay! Goodnight Uncle Patty" They both yelled before running back upstairs.

The ride was about twenty minutes long and a limo is not that fun if you don't have anyone to enjoy the ride with. As I entered the building Peter was at the entrance waiting for me. "Patrick you're here, I thought you weren't coming... I'm sorry for not calling you all day, this new client is driving me everywhere. Were you okay with the guys and twins."

I nodded, "Yeah everything was fine and you don't need to apologize if it was for your work."

"Yeah I know it's just-"

"Dad! Your new client is asking for you, again." Pete said cutting him off. "Hi Patrick" he grinned, looking at me.

I mentally just rolled my eyes. I'm really not surprised he was here, this would explain why he didn't come home either.

"Great" He said a little irritated. Before putting his arm around my waist and smiled, once a middle aged women with short dirty blonde hair with a dark blue dress walked this way.

"Peter, here you are. I was wondering where you ran off to" she said in a flirting voice.

"Sorry Elizabeth. I had to receive to my fiance. Patrick this is Elizabeth Blake, hopefully are soon to be client."

"Nice to meet you" as a gentlemen I extended out my hand to greet her.

"You too."

She said with no intention of shaking my hand. Instead dhe placed them both around her champagne glass. She looked at me like I was below her. Even when she kept up appearances to everyone else, I could tell she didn't like me. This was the first time I ever met someone who hated me on the spot.

Peter escorted me to our table and Elizabeth instally just pushed me to the side and sat in my chair next to Peter.

"Here Patrick." Pete said pulling up a chair.

"Thanks, Pete."

As I sat down a girl came over this way. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a hot pink long dress. "Mom, sorry I'm late."

"Jenny, we missed you hours ago... Well I guess that doesn't matter anymore. Meet Peter and his son Pete Wentz."

Her smile spread as she looked at Pete. "Hi, nice to meet you."

"Yeah, same to you" he said back.

I felt out of place. Like I had no reason to be here. Worst of all I let my insecurities get the best of me, especially on times like this. This already felt like the worst night yet and it has just begun.

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