3. Life Is Too Short To Wait

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Patrick's POV

Seeing all those people staring at me was possibly the most scariest thing ever. Even worse when I had all the ex's coming up to me. I told Peter I didn't want anything big, meeting his son was the only thing that mattered.

I met Peter six months ago at a coffee shop, I was playing at. I was kind of nervous because it was my first show, and I didn't get many applause that night.

After the show Peter was the one to come up to me. He told me how amazing I was at playing and that I could go far in the music industry. Of course I didn't believe him, and I couldn't understand why a much older man was telling me all this.

He invited me for coffee and we talked. I felt good, he made me laugh so much and made me forget the ridiculous performance I did.

I noticed the ring in his finger and wondered how lucky was his wife. He took it off in front of me and said it was the ring his wife gave him, before she died. He said that he was looking for the one that was finally going to make him forget about the ring.

From that night Peter and I saw each other more frequently, but only as friends. He told me about his wife, the three people he married. Also that he had a teenage son named after him.

When he asked me to be his boyfriend and later on his husband, I was really confused. He was much older, cute, and has so much money. He could have anyone he wanted, yet he wanted me. A guy that lives off performing in small venues, from Chicago.

Even when all that crossed my mind I accepted. I mean there was no one in the world like Peter, and I felt good when I was around him.

"Patrick, honey where here." Peter say interrupting my thoughts. I look out the window to the elegant hotel I was staying at.

"You know, I was thinking your staying at a hotel when you future house is right here... Why don't you just move in with me now?"

"Peter, I'm not only moving in with you, what about Pete. What would he think?"

"Well he already knows you'll be moving in. A few weeks earlier won't change anything..." he leaned in and kissed me lightly. "So what do you say?"

I smiled, "you know when you kiss me like that, it's really hard to say no to you..."

"Great, you could move in tomorrow morning... And tonight I could have you all to myself."

"Sounds good, but your son is waiting for you... I really did appreciate what he did for me."

"Yeah, he's a good kid... And I know you two are going to get along really well."

Peter walked me inside to my room. We said goodnight and he walked off heading home. I haven't sleep with Peter yet, the farthest we gotten is a heated up make out session. He understands and gives me time. After all he would wait that long until I'm his.

Pete's POV

It felt great to be home. I took off my tie and unbuttoned my white shirt. Finally just relaxing for now, since I have school tomorrow and that just sounds like a pain. I blew off my homework, again. I was debating or not to do it now or tomorrow during study hall and turn it in late.

My dad walked in with the happiest expression on his face. "What's up with you?" I asked.

"Well, Patrick is moving in tomorrow instead of in two weeks that we planned... Hope your not bothered."

"It's your house... Can I ask you something now that we are talking about Patrick?"


"Is he really the one for you or he is just like the other three?"

"Patrick, is different from the rest... I guess if I tell you if I lost him it would be like losing your mother again all over again."

Stepfather (Peterick)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora