21. A Penny for Your Thoughts

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I'm crazy enough to be at work at five in the morning. Yet I wouldn't have thought of anywhere else where I felt okay and alone. I wasn't tried and I didn't want to be near Patrick, after what I heard.

"Peter? What are you doing here at this hour? And don't you think it's way too early to be drinking?"

I looked up form my desk and Mark was standing in the doorway. I forgot he gets here before anyone else, except I didn't think this early.

"Mark, don't yell at me and just sit down and have a drink..."

"I'm just surprised, you don't usually drink... Something must be really bad."

I nodded, "yeah, something really bad... Something I thought would never be possible, I never even once pictured it in my mind."

"Well spill, what has you like this?"

I sighed, "Patrick..."

"Patrick? I thought everything was well, just yesterday you left the work all happy-"

"That's because I didn't know the truth- because I was so stupid not to notice what was going on in my own house... Mark, Patrick is cheating on me, with my own son."

"What!?" he says almost spilling his drink. "That can't be possible, Peter are sure? I mean Pete is a good kid and Patrick, you said it yourself he was the one for you."

"I was wrong... I've always been wrong, first with Jessica, then Martha, and afterwards Travis. Patrick was no exception, everything fell apart after Dale left."

"How did you find out?" he asked.

"As I got home from Elizabeth's party I was heading to my room, but I hear giggling coming from Pete's room. I was going to knock and ask Pete what was going on. But then I heard Patrick's voice..."

"I'm going to end everything with Peter tomorrow... It's for the best, after all I wouldn't feel right marrying him after everything that's happened."

"I heard the way, they both said 'I love you' to each other. I wanted to break the door and confront them right there, but instead I just ran into my room... I guess the worst part was when I convinced Patrick, I was willing to kill myself if he ever left me."

"Why would you do that?! Peter, you better not be serious about that!"

"I wasn't, no one is worth losing your life for, not even Patrick. I just needed to buy more time, tonight is when they were going to tell me everything... But I refuse to lose him, and that's why I said all those things."

"Peter, I don't know what to say... If Patrick loves Pete, and you love him why don't you do the right thing and let him go, so he can decide. Or what is your goal right now?"

"I don't know! I just don't want to lose Patrick, I can't accept that everything we went through was all for nothing..."

"I can't tell you what to do with your life, but make the right choice... You know I see Pete as a son"

"Yeah I know... let's just forget this for now. Tell me what's on the agenda, to get this bad taste out of my mouth."

"Well, Martha gave me a document last night about the new building in Chicago. It's all complete and they want to know if you are able to go over there and cut the red ribbon tomorrow."

"Me? I did nothing-"

"Not true, without you they won't have a building."

"Yeah, but I'm not really in the mood."

"I get it... But maybe you could take Patrick. You said you needed a little more time, so why not take the opportunity."

"You're right Mark! I need to work this out with Patrick, with no Pete."

I no longer have feelings the same as I did for my son. Part of me doesn't want to see him, or else I would probably end up doing something I would regret. For Patrick, I still love him the same way I did when I first met him, even when he has it's just as much fault as Pete.

I called to for two airplane tickets for and we would be leaving in five hours. I said bye to Mark before heading back home.

I went inside my bedroom and Patrick was sleeping peacefully on his side. I laid next to him embracing him in my arms, it kinda felt like the last time, I would have him like this.

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