2. We Treat Each Other Like Strangers

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Pete's POV

It was strange sitting next my my dad's new boyfriend, Patrick Stump I think was his name. The only time we said a word was when my dad introduced us ten minutes ago. Of course one of his friends had to call him over to their table talk business. Leaving us both alone in an awkward silence, why can't some people separate business from social events.

One thing was for sure, I am not going to start the conversation. I wasn't going to kiss up to my new step father and impress him. I just kept drinking my glass water hoping for my father to get back here soon.

He cleaned his throat, "so, uh... Pete are you still in high school?"

Oh dude, you are just making this more awkward. I nodded, "Yeah last year actually..."

"So your seventeen?"

"Yeah, I'll be eighteen in the summer" might as well ask something about him. "What about you, how old are you? Because you look younger then me even."

"I'm twenty two, I'll be twenty three in two weeks."

Two weeks? "Mhm, isn't that almost the day of the wedding?"

"Yes, Peter and I agreed to have it on my birthday."

I just nodded and once again it was back to silence. I looked around for my dad, but he was no where to be found. I looked at the three ex's and they both looked like they were whispering to another before getting up from their table and coming this way.

I took one last drink before I faked smiled, "good evening ladies, and Travis. What brings you by my table?"

"We just wanted to meet the new husband of Peter." Martha says.

Jessica was eyeballing him. I could tell he was getting nervous by the way he was sitting, he even fixed his fedora.

"You don't look like much..." the fake blonde told him.

"What family do you come from?" Travis asked him.

I wondered how many people knew that Patrick wasn't rich. "With all due respect, you guys have no right-"

"Pete sweetheart, adults are taking. So please don't get in it." Jessica said in a baby voice. I was tired of her, and I snapped.

"Jessica stop pretending we all know you don't like me! I'm also not a little kid anymore, Fuck I'm so glad my father opened his eyes and left you... Martha, I really thought better of you. My father will always see you as a friend and if you can't understand that tell me now so I can get you fired and out of his life... And Travis, you out all three have no right to juge Patrick when you were the one that was unfaithful... So why don't you all just leave!!"

"Listen to my son, and get out." my father says standing behind Patrick. They all three left without a single word.

"Are you okay my love?" He asked Patrick. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Dad kissed him on the forehead, "okay then, let me take you home... Good work son, we'll talk at home."

I just nodded, Patrick stood up from his chair. And looked at me with a small smile on his face. "Thanks Pete, and hopefully we won't have another quite conversation like we did tonight."

Hey, at least I wasn't the only one that noticed the awkward silence. Now that I think about it Patrick isn't a bad person. And I see no reason for him to be self conscious, when he is an attractive guy, short, but very attractive.

Stepfather (Peterick)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora