23. Our Secret's Out

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Pete's POV

I arrived home around ten in the morning, after helping out Brendon with the most uncomfortable incident with Dallon and Ryan. Really I try to stay out of their relationship, but this couldn't be avoided.

I expected to see Patrick at home, he wasn't. I checked his room and it was empty, and his phone was left behind with all the text messages I sent him an hour ago. "Joe, Andy... Do you guys know where Patrick is?"

They both looked at each other... "No idea Pete, we actually left half an hour after you did... But Patrick and Peter were still here. They didn't mention anything, maybe their together. You know since the wedding is coming up in the next few days, getting everything ready."

I shook my head, "I don't think so... I'm sure Patrick has told you about us?"

Andy nodded, "yeah he mentioned something about that."

"Well then, what he didn't mention that he decided to be with me, and end everything with my dad."

"Really!" they both exclaimed.

"Yeah, tonight we are telling Peter... And then move out of here, afterwards."

"Well we should start packing too, I mean we are Patrick's friends and we support him."

I nodded, "sounds like a plan, but I need to know where Patrick is at."

"Relax he's probably with Peter... They will probably be back in a few hours."

"You might be right, Andy... And since Patrick forgot his phone I'll call my dads and ask we he is doing... Just in case."

I dialed my dad's phone, and immediately his voice mail came on. I tried calling him again and there was no response. "He isn't answering...and it's not like him. He always has it on for work or any type of emergency."

"Pete, relax... If Patrick is with Peter, then nothing bad will happen to him."

"You might be right Andy, but what if he isn't. I don't like not knowing where he is... Patrick didn't tell me anything about going somewhere."

"Well can't you call your dad's company, they should know where he is, right?" Joe says.

I dialed again, this time the Wentz corporation and Martha Picked up. "Hello Wentz-"

"Martha it's Pete, is my dad there?!"

"Pete... No your dad isn't here. He left on a business trip, Didn't he tell you?"

"No, did he say where he was going? And with who?"

"No, an hour ago he called and just told me to cancel all his meeting for the next three days... He said he was going to be happy."

"What!? That's it's? Nothing for me or for... Patrick?"

"Nope, that's all I know Pete. Is there a problem, I can help with?"

"No Martha, thank you though." I said before hanging up. "He left on a business trip... That's all they know. He won't be back for the next three days."

"Wait? That doesn't make sense..."

"No it doesn't... He leaves the last few days before his wedding... With Patrick, because I'm pretty sure he has him. Not only that but he leaves in secret without telling anyone, not even me."

"Do you think..." Andy asked.

I nodded. "It makes since... But what doesn't is how he found out. I don't even know if Patrick being with him is a good thing, anymore."

My phone rang again, I looked at the caller ID and it was an unknown number. "Hello?"



"Trick are you okay? I've been worried. Where are you?"

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