27. My Head's In Heaven, My Soles Are In Hell

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I walked out of the hotel, with the worst feeling in the world. I knew Pete was going to be with Patrick at any time, and I couldn't do anything, after all he would prefer him.

I ended up in a small pub, miles way. It was small and there wasn't many people, which was a good thing. "What can I get you sir?" the bartender asked.

"Give me the strongest thing you have..." he nodded and poured in the unknown substance into a glass. "Cheers" I said to the guy next to me.

He looked very young. Light brown hair with blue eyes, average height and he had a little bit of stubble going on... He looked back at me and smiled, taking a drink from his beer.

"Sorry for asking this, but what is a handsome guy like you doing in a place like this at...?"

He laughed, "Are you trying to flirt me? Because you only just had one drink and you sound pretty drunk."

I nodded, "yeah I know... Sorry. I'm kinda a light weight. I'm not trying to get you into bed or anything, it's just you're really handsome."

He laughed again, it was really cute. "Thanks, I could say the same to you."

I smiled, "so you didn't answer my question... What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was going to be a model for a magazine, but it turns out they found someone better younger, then me."

"Oh really, I'm sorry..."

"Ben." he says.

"I'm sorry, Ben. Those people don't know what beauty is then... How old are you anyway, if you don't mind me asking?"

He shook his head, "not at all... I'm thirty years old... The kid was about twenty three, and the bad thing is he didn't even have any experience... He was just younger."

"Man I hear ya, we all need to watch out with the twenty three year olds... They will ruin our lives!" I said talking another drink.

"Sorry, I didn't catch you name."

I looked up at him and extended out my hand. "Peter Wentz."

"Oh my, Peter Wentz like the businessman millionaire?!" he asked in surprised.

"Yeah, I guess..."

He nodded, "yeah, I just didn't recognized you... I did read something about your marriage coming up soon."

I nodded, "yeah, I'm getting married... To the most beautiful, talented, disgraceful, cheater, no good lie, Patrick Stump... And even when I think all these things about him. I still love him, more then my son will ever!"

"Shit, dude I'm sorry to hear that, or asking?"

"Nah, it's alright... The media already things I'm a loser, and they will once again... When they find out about this."

"You sure must hate them both so much" he says.

I shook my head, "That's the bad thing. I don't hate Patrick, but I hate my son. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean he's my son, and Trick a complete stranger that I wanted in our lives." I looked down at my half empty glass, with a blank expression.

He patted me on back, "Bartender, another one for my friend." I smiled. "Thanks... I don't even know what I'm going to do. I left all my stuff back at the hotel and he is there with, him."

"Well you don't have to hide anything... Why should you not be able to get your stuff back. After all, you paid for the hotel room, right!"

I nodded, "yeah, your right Ben. That is my hotel room and I could go and come back as I please." I stood up and took one last drink.

"Come on!" I said pulling him out of his seat.

"Wait Peter, I don't think you should drive or if anything... I shouldn't even go with you."

"It's okay, I'm gonna go get my stuff and then we will get back here and have a couple of more drinks!"

I pulled a good amount money from my wallet to pay for Ben's beer and my drinks. Before heading outside and calling for a taxi.

Even when half of me told me it was a bad idea. The drunk half of me didn't even care. I just wanted to be with Patrick, see him even when he didn't want me.

I'm such a wreck, but I'm in love and I guess that's what it does, makes us do stupid things.

Ben helped me all the way until we were in front of my room. "I wonder if their together... I don't think I can take seeing such sight." Ben leaned his ear towards the door, "I hear nothing, just open up. I'll back you if anything happens."

I nodded and opened the door. Just like he said there was no sound, there was no one in bed... Except there was the sound of running water coming from the closed bathroom door.

I sighed and gently opened the door. I looked at the bathtub, Patrick sat there with his eyes shut while the tub was filling up with bubbles.

I smiled to myself, Pete wasn't with him. I closed the door slowly again and looked at Ben.

"Guess the drinks, will have to wait."

"Yeah, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, he's the love of your life. Go and be with him." he wished me luck and closed the door behind him as he left.

I smiled once again, I wasn't going to lose this opportunity.

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