Chapter 4

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This is really long, sorry. I'll have the next chapter up super soon! I just don't want this one to be like five pages, ENJOY!


It's the first day of school and I'm nervous as can be. Mrs. Mahone is driving Alex, Austin, Robert, and I to school. I don't even know Robert but I'm guessing he's cool since Alex and Austin seem to like him. The guys have been really nice to me these past few days. The basketball hoop, showing me around town, and introducing me to some girls who welcomed me right into their group. I still can't figure out who said I was pretty and it's pissing me off. I don't want to rush into a relationship but going into a new school with a popular boyfriend wouldn't hurt. I woke up early and took a shower. I blow dried my hair so it would be straight. I have the perfect outfit. A cute skirt with a flowy coral top and a khaki blazer worn with black gladiator sandals. I got my neon orange Jansport backpack with all my stuff in it and ran across the street to Austins house. I knocked politely. Alex, to my suprise, opened the door. Welcoming me in he said, 

"Wow, Sam, you look great." 

"Thanks." I replied blushing. He flashed me his goofy smile, not as cute as his regular one but it still made me melt. I followed him into the kitchen where everyone was eatting pancakes in their pjs. 

"Hi Samantha!" Mrs. Mahone said pulling me into a hug. 

"Hi" I said hugging her back. 

"Sam, this is Robert. Robert this is Sam." Alex introduced us as he sat down in front of a plate full of pancakes. Robert was cute but compared to Alex and Austin he had no chance. 

"Samantha would you like some?" Mrs. Mahone asked holding a few pancakes on her spatula. 

"Yes, please." I said grabbing a plate. 

"Mom, these are soo good!" Austin said shoving pancake in his mouth. 

"Why thank you Austin." Mrs. Mahone said smiling. 

"Yeah, these are really good." Robert said. I cut a piece of pancake to see what I was missing. It tasted like heaven. 

"Oh my gosh!" I said mouth full. Everyone laughed causing me to choke slightly. 

"Look at the time! We have to leave in ten minutes!" Mrs. Mahone said. "Boys go get dressed quick!" She said shueing the boys upstairs. 

"So, Samantha, have the boys been bugging you?" She asked 

"No, they've actually been really sweet and have helped me ajust from the move." I responded smiling. 

"Well, if they ever start to bother you, tell me. I'll set them straight!" She said. I laughed so hard I started coughing. 

"We're ready." The boys said as they came down the stairs. Austin was wearing a Chicago Bulls jersey and tan shorts. Alex was wearing a pair of basketball shorts with a dark green tee. Robert was wearing a pair of jeans and a blue striped shirt. 

"Aww! Don't you boys look handsome! We should take a picture!" Mrs. Mahone suggested. You could tell by the look on the guys faces they didn't want to. 

"No mom! We're gonna be late, lets go!" Austin said. 

"Oh fine." She replied. 


We arrived at the school. It was huge. I was going to get lost my first day. Awesome.  

"Austin!" Mrs. Mahone yelled as we got out of the car. 


"Come here." She wispered something in his ear that made him laugh and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. 

"Mom!" He yelped and wiped off his face. 

"Bye!" She waved as she exited the parking lot. 

"Hey Alex?" I asked 

"Yeah?" He responded turning to me. 

"Can you walk me to the office to get my schedule? I don't know where it is."  

"Oh sure!" He said putting his arm around my schoulder. I got chills and jumped a little. We walked to the office. I got introduced to a few people as we walked there. 

"Here we are, ladies first." He said opening the door for me. 

"Thank you." I said walking in. There were a few people in line so Alex and I talked about the school and what classes I should take and what classes he was taking. He told me some jokes which made me laugh and my laugh made him laugh.  

"Sam, can I ask you something?" He asked suddenly. 

"Yeah, go ahead." I replied. 

"Uh I was just wondering do you l-" he got cut off by the lady at the front desk saying 

"Next!" I walked up to the desk. They lady was very kind as I told her I was new and needed my schedule. 

"What's your name sweetie?" She asked grabbing a stack of paper. 

"Samantha Smith" I said. 

"Okay, heres your schedule. You'll need to decide on two electives and a language. Since you're new we will put you in a study hall during one of the elective periods." She said handing me my schedule and pointing to the blank spots. 

"Okay thank you." I responded walking towards Alex.  

"Mr. Constancio!" the lady from the desk yelled before we exited the office. 

"Yeah Ms. G?" he asked. 

"Show Ms. Smith to Mr. Dixon's room for homeroom" She said. 

"Okay. I needed to ho there anyways. Bye Ms. G." 

"Bye Alex." She said as we went out of the door.

"So, is Mr. Dixon nice?" I asked.

"Yeah! I've been in his homeroom for the last few years and he has been really chill and really lets us do whatever we want." He said as we walked up a set of stairs.

"Wait, you're in his homeroom?"

"Yeah, at this school you have the same homeroom the whole time you're here." He answered.

"Thats cool. So who else is in our homeroom?"

"Mostly freshman. We had a lot of seniors last year. But Austin and Robert are both in there."

"Well, at least I know some people. Do you have any of these classes?" I asked showing him my schedule.

"Uhh, I don't know let me check." He said pulling over to the side of the hall to set down his bag and grab his schedule.

"You could have waited until we got to the classroom." I said

"Nahh," he replied smiling. Alex and I found out we have most of our classes together except our language and electives which I still need to choose.

"This is going to be great!" he said happily as he opened the door for me.

"I know right!" I replied.

So far, I was loving school. But that could change, I was only thirty minutes in.

Alex Constancio or Austin Mahone? Help Me!Where stories live. Discover now