Chapter 24

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"Okay, everyone is here. We are going to head back to the 4-H center for movie night. You may go hang out with friends in eachothers rooms unless its a boy and girl. If you want to hang out with the oppisite sex you have to be in the game room." Mr. Dixon said when we got onto the coach bus. Dani and I were on a different bus than Alex, Austin, Robert, and Zach. Thank god for that. I didnt even want to know what was going to go down between Alex and Austin. Dani and I basically looked out the huge window the whole time. Washington DC was beautiful. We looked at the history behind the memorials and museums. My favorite was the Lincoln Memorial. Mostly because of the view you had to the Washington Memorial but if you say it. It was gorgeous. The reflection in the pond. It was incredible. I didnt like being so upclose to Washington Memorial because when you looked up it felt as if it was going fall right on top of me. Dani really liked the Vetrans wall. I think she liked it because shr knew her great grandfathers name was there somewhere.

After about half an hour we arrived back at the 4-H center. I ran to our room so I could get in the shower first. I got dressed in a pair of leggings and short brown uggs an a cropped sweatshirt and then waited for Dani to get ready so we could go down to the game room together. We saw Austin and Robert drinking some sodas and hanging out on a huge couch. I sat down next to him and he gave me a peck on the cheek. I watched Robert and Dani. He gave her a hug. I almost said aw but I forced myself to stay quiet.

"So are we going to play Just Dance or something?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"I'm down." Dani said getting up and putting the game in the Wii console.

"I don't know.. I freaking su-" Robert started.

"Yeah, we'll play." Austin finished for him. He flashed Robert a look then got up and helped Dani set up the game.

"Less do this!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me funny. Damn New England accent.

"Oh! What about this one? It's got all four players." Robert suggested. We all agreed. The song was "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz. Austin was player one, I was player two, Dani three, and Robert four. Just Dance was a lot harder than it looked. We had to look at the bottom of the screen to see what was going to happen then follow our person when the moved. Robert was suprisingly beating everyone. We finished the song and fell onto the couch simutaniously.

"Holy crap. That was hard." Robert said.

"Oh, shut up. You beat all of us!" Dani flirted. They were so cute.

"Hey, you guys wanna hear a joke?" Austin asked.

"Sure." We said.

"Okay, so theres a red head, a brunette, and a blonde, okay? They went to this mirror and if you told a lie you would disapeer. So the red head goes up and says, I think I'm the prettiest girl on school. She disapeers. The brunette goes in and says, I think I'm the most popular girl on school. She disapeers. The blonde goes in and says, I think-. She disapeers." I think we all laughed so loud the people in the movie heard us.

"Oh my gosh, that's great!" Robert said.

"I know right?!" Austin said as he put his arm around me.

"You want to hear a better one?" Dani asked. She didn't wait for a respondse before telling a joke that was much more funny than Austins.

"That was better than yours." I said poking his stomach which was quite hard since he had abs.

"Sam, come to the bathroom with me?" Dani asked. I nodded and followed her.

"What? Everything is going great!" I said.

"I don't know, it's just.. he hasn't like held my hand or anything." Dani replied.

"Maybe he's nervous because he really likes you." I said.

*Austins POV*

"Robert! Everything is fine! She looks like she's having a great time!" I said.

"Then why did they go to the bathroom?" Robert questioned.

"Oh I dunno, maybe to pee?" I said stupidlly hitting his arm because they were coming. Sam was so beautiful. I can't help but stare. Her smile, her eyes, herself in general was just too much. She's my dream girl and the best thing is she loves me outside of my dreams.

*Sam's POV*

"You see how they shut up when we come back? They were tslking about the same thing." I pointed out as we returned to the couch area.

"I can't believe it's our last day tomorrow. I feel like we just got here today." Robert said and then he did it. Put his arm around Dani and pulling her close. I began smiling like crazy and had to whisper to Austin to cover me or else they'd both get pissed.

"Sam, can we talk to you?" Mr. Dixon interuppted. Thank god. I couldn't hide behind Austin much longer.

"Yeah, whats up?" I said walking over to the table filled with chaperones and teachers.

"You all will be having a stressful day tomorrow. You will be meeting the Vice President and possibly Predident Obama himself. We think it is a great idea to go to the Celtics versus Wizards game to relive stress off of you teenagers after doing something very important. We will do a count tonight seeing who would like to go and then you may call Mr. Rondo and tell him how many tickets we need."

"Really? Okay! Thank you!" I said and then ran back to the couch basically jumped on top of Austin.

"Oh my-" He started but I yelled,

"We're going to Celtics game!" before he could finish. Tomorrow, our last day in DC was going to be the best one yet.


Robert and Dani! Finally right? What did you guys think?

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