Chapter 16

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"Hey guys!" I said running up to everyone and giving them each a hug. We went inside and discussed my trip to Maine and what we recieved for Christmas.

"Okay, everyone give Robert his presents." Austin said throwing a poorly wrapped basketball to him.

"I wonder what it is!" Robert said sarcasticly. He opened the gifts. He got the basketball from Austin and I, an iPad cover from Alex, and an IOU from Austins mom.

"Now Alex." Austin said throwing his gift over to Alex. I handed Alex his gift and he opened it immediately. He saw the phone case and said how cool it was then set the bag down.

"There's more!" I said. He grabbed the bag and looked it. He found the dog tag and read it and smiled.

"Thank you." He said kissing my cheek. He then opened up the hat which Austin bought him and another phone case from Michele. Robert had bought him a Monster which Austin drank so he had and IOU from Robert.

"Sam." Austin said handing me my presents. I opened up Roberts first. It was a bottle of sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses.

"It gets tanning weather quick." He stated. I thanked him then opened up Austins gift which was a note saying that for every game of basketball I beat him at over the next year, I get a ice cream bought by him. I then grabbed Alexs present. It was small so I knew it was jewelry. I opened it up to find a small charm braclet with various charms. One was a basketball, another was a giraffe because my favorite animal is a giraffe. I was examining the braclet when I found one that made me want to cry. It was a clover engraved with 'Boston Celtics '08'. I gave him a hug and said it was the greatest gift ever. I proceded to open my next present, which was from Austins mom. I picked it up and tore off the paper and my mouth dropped open. She got me the 'Someday' by Justin Bieber perfume gift set.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I am going to smell so good!" I screamed as I gave her a hug. We then gave Austin his present he looked disapointed as he recieved the tiny envelope. He opened the card and started to screm and dance. He tackled us all with a hug. We got him off then started talking about how great the gifts we got were. Austin's mom excused herself as she recieved a call on her cell phone. We were still talking when she came down the stairs in a completely new outfit. A black pencil skirt and a red flowy blouse tucked in. She explained that she had to go to a christmas party at her office and wouldnt be home until tomorrow. After she left we all cheered and prepared to have the best party in the history of San Antonio.


There were about thirty people there when the party started heating up. We wanted to be quiet enough so no one called the cops or Austins mom. Hailey, Dani, and a bunch of my other friends were gawking at my charm braclets Alex gave me. They were telling me how they wished they had a boyfriend like him and what a cute couple we were. Alex came over and pulled me away.

"You know, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you. The girls are swooning over this." I said holding up my wrist.

"You won't have to worry. I'm not going anywhere." He said before kissing me.

"Go Alex! Get some!" a guy said as he walked by. I chuckled and put my arms around his neck.

"I love you, so much." he said.

"I love you too." I said giving him a hug. He kissed the top of my head and we walked hand in hand to the couch. We had almost been dating for four months. If you didn't know we were an item then you didn't go to our school. I had already sprayed nyself with my new perfume so much that you could find me anywhere. Alex leaned against me and smelt my shirt which I had changed before everyone came over.

"You smell like heaven, can I eat you?" he asked.

"No, if you eat me we cant kiss at midnight!" I pointed out. It was ten when people started to leave. Apparently their parents didnt want to get them at one in the morning. Everyone was gone by eleven. We cleaned up really quick and watched the New Years Eve special. Alex and I snuggled together under a blanket. I was so close to falling asleep. But the boys had no problem with scaring me awake, which I didn't appreciate. Justin Bieber was singing his song Mistletoe so I was awake now.

"That'll be me in a few years." Austin said with a hopeful look in his eyes. He had such large goals but I didn't know if they could be reached. He was so talented but didn't have enough fans for it to matter. He had to have a loyal fan base for anything to escalate. Only having 10,000 fans after four months was great but Austin would need around 600,000 for a record label to even consider him as a musician. If he wanted to reach his goal he was going to have to do something huge.

"Good luck." Robert said. The ball was dropping the next moment and the countdown to 2012 began.

"5..4..3..2..1! Happy New Year!" We all yelled. I turned around to see Alex gone.

"Alex! Where are you?" I yelled.

"Upstairs! Quick!" he yelled back. I ran up the stairs and saw Alex. I ran into his arms and kissed him. It was so passionate I lost my breath and had to escape early. He looked me in the eye and just smilied. I loved when he did this. It was like he was telling me we would be together forever.

But he was wrong.


WHAAT?! good way to leave off righht? comment, VOTE, and add to library! tell your friends too! its about to get good!

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