Once Upon A Time...

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When they met, he was a boy,
He didn't understand.
He thought she was more annoying
Than a poorly taught one-man-band.

She embodied light and love
While he embraced the dark.
He never imagined talking to her
Would actually leave a mark.

But soon he saw the light was spreading,
And he began to feel affected.
It spread throughout his heart, his soul.
All the darkness had been collected.

Then piece by piece it was thrown away,
Till no darkness remained.
It took the boy a little while
Before he knew why he had changed.

The girl had taught him another way,
Away from the shadows so deep.
She taught him how important it is
For the light to be seen.

When he'd grown into a man
He finally understood.
And so he asked for the hand
Of the woman who made him good.

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