Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I had a dream. I was running from something big. I arrived at the town and it was completely destroyed.

"Do you like the world that you created?" A voice said.

I quickly opened my eyes and suddenly sat up.

I was breathing hard and about five people were staring at me.

"Had a bad dream?" Kai was sitting next to the bed and was smiling.

"What's going on?" I asked

I looked at the time and it was 6:00pm

"If you guys don't mind..." I got up and was heading for the door.

"...I'll be leaving now." But Zack blocked the door.

"Your not going anywhere."

"I'm in big trouble, aren't I?" I looked at the ground and sat on the bed.

I didn't want to make any eye contact with anyone and for some reason, they're all guys.

"You weren't suppose to find us." I looked up and it was Zack and Kai's dad.

"I'm sorry, I happened to stumble upon a hole in the ground."

"That wasn't suppose to be opened either." He stared at everyone else.

"Can I ask a question?" He looked at me with a confused face.

"What is it?"

"What did the lasers do?"

"I don't think she should know that." A guy in green with short hair crossed his arms.

"She's already been blasted so..." Kai said

"As you've seen, monsters are rising."

Their dad said

"What's with the monster thing anyways?"

"Don't interrupt."


"There are years when darkness wakes up to conquer the world." He said

"There are always people who are chosen to defeat them." Zack chimed in.

"But it's always hard to find that person." Kai said

"How do they know if they are the ones are not?" I asked. I didn't believe any of this. Chosen One? Like from movies? Yeah right

"Sometimes it shows in their personality." A man with serious muscles in a black t-shirt, with hair that pointed straight forward said

"For examples, Zack's personality is kind've mean, and he's quite dark. He represents fire. Hard and mean."

I remembered last night when he summoned a fire sword.

"Then that means, you guys are chosen ones or something?" I said, exasperated

"Actually, we're the ones that help the chosen one." Kai replied, "But the one has better powers, like years before a guy had the power of electricity. He can also control the weather. So he was nicknamed Sky also he had the mark."

"So what powers do you guys have?"

"Water. The one in green, his name is Alex, he controls the wind. And make hurricanes, rain, and things you use for wind. The one in black, is Nathan and he controls the earth."

I was going to explode.

"And what do I have anything to do with this?"

"With the powers that we saw, it was powerful." Zack said

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