Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

Shailey gasped as Nick and Chip ran through the door. "What happened?" Nick asked while Chip looked at what became of Shailey.

"What happened?" Chip asked Shailey. But he saw no emotion nor reply. In the inside Shailey was trying to say, "Get away from me! I don't want you to get hurt!" She was on the verge of tears. "Please. Stay away."

Nick put his gun down and faced Shailey. She had her fists up and ready to fight.

"Do you remember me Shailey?"

Shailey didn't move. Nick ran forward and went in for a kick. Shailey ducked and Nick was already on his next move, punching her in the stomach. Trying not to punch too hard.

But Shailey jumped backwards and ran forward. She kicked, but Nick also ducked. After he straightened up, Shailey had a sword and tried to stab him. Nick moved his head, but Shailey bend her elbow and it hit his chest.

Nick staggered backwards and rubbed his chest. "Man, you pack a bigger punch then before." Zack and the others were watching, trying to catch their breath and have some time to regenerate.

Nick ran and so did Shailey. When they came close, Shailey went in for a punch, but Nick jumped and ran along the wall. Back flipping and landing behind Shailey. He kicked her on the side and she crashed into the wall, but didn't make a dent.

Shailey quickly dragged Nick with her and pushed him along the wall, holding him by the collar. Nick tried to free himself, but her hands felt like iron and it was cold.

Shailey was yelling for it to stop as she saw, through the screen, that she had Nick pinned along the wall and he couldn't get free. Her other hand glowed blue and was clenched tightly, trying to do the final blow.

"Stop it!" Shailey felt some tears go down her cheeks.

"Sha-Shailey, you don't have to do this."

"I know I don't."

Shailey took a deep breathe. "No, I DON'T have to do this. I have to fight this!" Shailey can feel her blood rise and her hands shaking. Something appeared on her hands and legs and it was black shadows that were chaining her up.

Back at the fight, Zack and the others were going to stop her. They ran forward, but a dark barrier stopped them. They turned to Darkness and saw his dark smile.

"You piece of ...." Nathan ran towards him, but the barrier was so big that it also covered him. All of them slammed their fists on the barrier to break through.

Zack and Alex combined their powers to make the fire hurricane, but it still didn't work. Nathan tried to go underground, but there was like a big bubble around them. Kai smashed against the barrier.

"It's no use." Kai said. "Shailey!" All of them yelled at different times.

Shailey's hand turned more blue and brought it down.

"No!" The guys yelled.

"NO!" Shailey's mind echoed the word and she felt her temperature rise.

Her fist stopped right in front of Nick's face and he had to look down to see it. He can feel the dark- cold energy that was coming out of it.

The hand was shaking, like it was fighting itself.

Shailey can slowly feel herself connect back to herself. She was going back and forth from real life and back to darkness.

Nick can see her eyes going from black to normal.

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