Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I was eating breakfast when I asked my brother to throw me a spoon, like what we always do.

"Why don't you get it yourself." He said it sternly and wasn't asking a question. More like an order.

I frowned.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed?"

"That's none of your business." He slung his backpack onto his right shoulder and all I can do was stare back, felling hurt and confusion.

"Are you ok honey?" My mom asked.

I looked her direction and she looked tired. 

"Did something happen?" My mom asked another question.

I lied to make her not worried.

"He's just playing with me. It'll be fine mom. You better go to bed, before you drop dead." I smiled and grabbed my backpack. "Bye mom." 

I left for the door. 

"What just happened?" I said to myself.

I ignored it and went to get Mia and Sarah.

Brandon was there and I smiled, but he just passed me without a single look.

"What happened?" Mia asked.

"He hasn't talk about you the whole day yesterday and this morning!" Sarah said as she came through the door.

I looked puzzled,

"Talk...about me?" 

She turned red as we started walking to school.

"Yeah......He usually has something to ask about you, like a daily question." 

"Oh." I looked down trying to hide the blushing.

"Did something happen yesterday?" Mia asked.

"As in something bad?" Sarah added.

I put my finger to my chin and thought.

"Nope." I casually said.

We made it to school and people were wondering around.

I was going to the guys to ask some questions. 

I found Kai in the hall and I walked to him, with Sarah and Mia trailing behind me. 

"Hey Kai, can I ask you something?"

"Why should I help you." He didn't say it as a question.

Something cut my heart and my face went blank. He walked away while Mia and Sarah was looking at me with questioning looks.

I just shake my head answering the question that lingered in all our minds.

What did I do?


I saw that Alex was the first one in class, as always. 

His leg was kicked back on the table with a book in hand. 

I went to him, still standing.

"Alex, people are acting weird all of a sudden.."

"Do you mind? I'm reading here." He interrupted.

I furrowed my eye brow.

"What is the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with me?" He put his leg back to the ground and stood up with both of his hand on his desk.

"You should worry more about how you act in front of me." I felt his icy eyes, which is so not like him.

"Fine then." I fired back, my anger rising. I left to my table and thought I might have better luck with Nathan.

During lunch, I went straight to find Nathan. I was wrong.

He was sitting on top of tree, eating an apple.

"Hey Nathan! Please tell me that you notice something wrong about the guys." 

"They seem normal. You're the only one that's abnormal."

"Why are all of you like this all of a sudden?" I threw my arms up in frustration.

"You mean hating you." A electric shock hit me and I put my hand to my chest.

I walked away feeling all the hated eyes on me. 

How did this happen?

I sat quietly while thinking about everyone.

My brother hates me, Kai hates me, Alex hates me, and Nathan hates me. Zack probably hates me more now. 

One way to test that theory. 


After school, I went to Zack.

He was walking home and I ran up to him, before I can even say anything he says, "Go away." His voice was darker then usual and I was still a yard away. 

I stopped running. 

How did this come to be? 

Something popped behind my head.


No way, this is the curse?

How do I break it?

I was walking alone, in a dark pathway for some reason. 

But it matches my color, my emotion right now. 

The trees blocked the light from where I walked. 

I was spacing off when I heard the familiar voice. I looked up and saw someone on top of...something.

"How are you feeling, hon." Valena asked.

I hated her for calling me "hon."

No one is allowed too.

I grit my teeth and balled my fists.

"Reverse the curse!" I screamed at her.

"Feeling lonely without your knights' in shiny armor?" She giggled like a snakes hiss. I made a cold stare at her.

The thing that she was sitting on was hidden under the shadows.

A green claw gripped me and I felt it crushing me, stopping my blood flow. 

"Not yet." Verona rubbed the creature.

I couldn't breath as the claws squeezed harder.

"We want her to suffer. Not to make her death quick. He need her." 

Need me? Who?

My eyes were rolling slowly to the back of my head, until the claws let go and I dropped to the ground sucking in as many air as possible. 

My hand was on my chest and I told myself to inhale and exhale. 

When I looked back up, they were gone.

I slammed my fists to the ground, for each mistake and problem.

1 Not killing her when I had the chance.

My brother hates me

3 Kai hates me

4 Alex hates me

5 Nathan hates me

6 Zack hates me more

7 I'm too weak

8 I need help

9 I'm not brave enough

10 I need to save them and myself.

My hands start to heart and little blood was pouring. I got back up and left, with my mind flooded with good memories.

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