Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

We took the test and everyone in my homeroom did great.

The school trip was today and we were heading for The Cliffs.

On the bus, I sat by Mia while Sarah sat by Brandon.

They were discussing something but I was thinking too much to care.

When we arrived, everyone got into their own groups and took a tour around the place.

I went to the edge and I looked down over the railing.

It was very deep.

"Hey everyone!!" Mia screamed.

It echoed until it died down to nothing.

"This is awesome!!" I yelled

We laughed and that even echoed.

There was a small breeze that felt cool.

I saw a museum that people can check out about historic things like rocks or fossils.

There was no windows in this museum, but there was air conditioner.

Not many people like the museum.

We were screaming and hearing our echoes until a teacher told us to stop.

We giggled and just sat on a rock.

We made conversation.

"I wish we could go to the mall." Mia said

"Me too. But it feels nice to be in nature." Sarah said

"I agree."

The scent of mints hung in the air and I closed my eye to enjoy the peacefulness.

But the peacefulness didn't last long.

The wind started to pick up.

"Look at the sky!" Sarah pointed out.

Dark clouds were forming and coming our way.

"How can a storm just form like that?" Mia asked.

The wind blew harder"

"Students! Please head for the museum ASAP!" A teacher yelled.

The wind blew sand and it got hard to see. Like a fog made from sand.

I saw Alex and Nathan holding the door for everyone while their arms were shielding their eyes.

People started to run inside.

The trees rustled and I yelled for Mia and Sarah to run for it.

They did and I was following when the wind got stronger and it was getting harder to walk forward without getting sand in my eyes.

Zack and Kai were rushing people in. And it was just the five of us when Alex and Nathan lost their grip on the doors and it slammed shut.

They pounded in the door, but it wouldn't open from the inside or outside.

This couldn't be an accident.

As I thought that, I realized that all the sand was moving in one direction.

The sand stopped flying and formed a monster with red eyes and was translucent because of the wind and sand.

The wind was still blowing and Kai's shirt was flapping behind him.

The monster laughed and with a blow in my direction, I was getting pushed backwards.

His sand arms extended and created smaller versions of himself that attacked the guys.

They somehow transformed, but I couldn't do anything because of the wind.

I didn't realize until my back touched the railing that I was about to toppled backwards.

I crossed my arms over my head and tried to walk forward.

The monster noticed me and a huge wind smashed into me and I fell over the railing, screaming.

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