Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Next morning was, thankfully, a normal day. What happened yesterday felt like a dream.

I got up early and went to school. My brother walked with me, but he's in different classes so we rarely meet.

As I arrived to class I was tackled with hugs by Mia and Sarah.

"You look so much better then yesterday!" Sarah said

"I hope you had a good night!" Mia said

"I did, so calm down. I hope very thing went fine when I was gone."

We smiled and laughed, then headed to class.

The classes went by fast. I got in trouble when I was thinking about yesterday during class.

Then in another class I was looking out the window when I saw someone. Then he disappeared.

Lunch time finally came and I managed to eat lunch and read my book, when I saw someone behind the bushes.

I walked over, but whoever was there was gone.

This day just keeps on getting mysterious.

School ended and I was walking to my job. I kept on having a feeling that someone is watching me. So I decided to take the long path through the forest.

The only thing that was on my mind was how did I end up in the mansion?

I was walking when I heard a noise of a broken bark.

Then I heard a laugh. Great, I'll be an easy target.

"This was a lot easier then I thought."

His voice was like half snake and half human.

The trees moved and out of nowhere my arm was slashed and blood started to run out. But the wound wasn't as deep.

I cringed and then there was a slash on my left leg and I fell to a position in which a prince bows to a king.

"Where are you! Show yourself!"

It slashed my legs andI fell to my knee.

I saw the shadow. This thing comes down and goes back up in the trees.

There was another slash on my other arm and the pain started to rise.

"Why don't you come out and face me!"

There was another laugh and I heard it from behind. I figured out his patterns and I knew where he was going to strike next.

But he was too fast. I got another slash on my waist and I fell on my back.

He slashed so fast that all I can see was black shadows coming and then leaving from every direction.

I now have more then 20 slashes and I was being drained of blood.

I felt a slash on my face and the blood dripped to my arm.

I wish I had a weapon like Zacks. I imagined that sword and thought that I'll be a sitting duck here. I closed my eyes and listened.

Then I got a bigger slash on my shoulder and I screamed in pain

"I'll cut you to pieces!" That voice was ringing through the forest.

My tattoo was heating up. I looked at it and it was glowing and pulsing.

Then I felt something drift into my hand. It was a rose pedal. Even the monster stopped to wander what was going on.

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