Chapter 51

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Chapter 51


Dark clouds started to cover the sky.

"What do we do?!" I yelled over the loud thunder.

"We have to stop him!" Zack replied.

"Transform!" We all yelled.

I called for my bow which immediately appeared in my hand. I sheathed my sword.

I started shooting Char, but his shield was strong.

"Alex! Give me a boost!"

He nodded.

Here goes nothing. I fired the arrow and Alex added wind to it. It hit the shield, but only made a crack.

Char swooped down, using his wings as a weapon.

He was fast, like a black blur. I felt the sting of a cut and was flown backwards. Little blood was dripping out. Zack couldn't summon his fire because of the strong wind. Alex used the wind to move around.

I got back up and used my sword. I focused. A red aura formed around the sword.

But Char realized what I was doing and quickly attacked me. I flew in the air and landed on my back.

I slowly got back up.

"Guys! Give me some time!"

"Got it." They yelled back.

I focused on the sword. The red aura appeared.

Zack was being pushed back with the sword between them.

Alex came from above with his twin swords.

Zack purposely fell back backwards and kicked Char ahead of him. Nathan summoned a hand made from earth that hit Char backwards, breaking five trees. He didn't look so much in pain as he got up and flew towards at us like a torpedo.

Kai drew some water from the dark clouds and jumped into the air, slamming into the nothingness. The water followed the movement, slashing into Char.

Char was hit to the ground, but got up quickly, firing a black orb with static electricity on it. Kai was shot backwards, being electrified as the ball was pushing him back.

He hit the tree and the orb disappeared.

Zack stepped up. He held both his hands out and a fire hurricane appeared from his hand. The red, yellow and orange color spun to Char and he got sucked in.

Char fired both sides of him and the fire was put out. He was only somewhat burned.

Alex came at him with the swords but Char moved to side and grabbed him. He spun him around and threw him at Zack.

Nathan hit the ground with one foot and a long ground hill shot up. It hit Char in the chest and he was flown backwards.

Nathan repeatedly threw rocks at him, which Char dodged easily.

"I'm ready!!" I yelled.

Nathan dodged the orb in time.

Rose pedals swirled around my sword.

Char charged.

As the distance between us start to close I swung my sword.

A line of pedals went after him. He smirked, like he didn't think it would be much use. I fell to the ground panting. I used my sword to support myself.

I couldn't see exactly what happened as my vision started to blur.

The pedals surrounded him and he shrieked.

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