Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


How stupid can she get? She can't ever take me down like that.

Her hand was warm and small against mine.

I was shaking my head and trying to focus on getting back home.

One arm holding my backpack as it hung behind me.

My other hand in my pant pocket.

I promised, if she ever tries to touch me again she'll receive more pain.

But I don't think she'll do it again. It's not like she's gonna fall out of the sky.

I chuckled at the thought of something that stupid.

I was moving on when I heard a scream.

It sounded far away.

I looked left and right seeing if I could hear which way it was coming from.

But both sounded the same. I looked behind . Nothing.

The noise was rising.

Until I look up.

A girl went straight at him.

He didn't have time to dodge.

She hit right on his chest and he was pushed forward and knocked out.



That was a strong impact.

I didn't manage to see the face, but I got up rubbing my face.

I was sitting on top of someone.

As soon as the black spots disappeared I focused in on the face.


He was making groaning voices.

I touched my hand to his biceps and saw the red disappear.

I put both of my palms on his chest and concentrated on healing.

The blood was leaving me but I managed to hold still.

"Shay-Shailey." He groaned.

I quickly got off him and waited for him to sit up.

"I think my mind is wacked." He said while rubbing in his head. "I had dream that I hate you and you came flying out of the sky"

I blinked back tears.

"It wasn't a dream." I hugged him fast.

"Oh....I'm sorry."

"I bet you are, flipping me to the ground this morning." I tried to act mad.

"Lets go save the others." I said.

We both ran in the direction I flew from.




I waited for the fire, but it didn't come.

I opened my eye. The monster was staring at something.

I thought I was hallucinating.

But I heard...water? The rush and cool of the water I sensed behind me, rushed at the monster.

I focused on it and managed to control it.

I heard a sizzling sound as the water took out the monster.

The water went back behind me and I saw that the monster was stone solid.

I focused on edges, pointy edges, like spears.

I imagined it breaking the stone.

The water turned to ice spears and took to the sky.

It rained down, turning the monster into dust.

I was still lying down and finally went unconscious so I couldn't feel pain anymore.



Shailey told me to go west to Alex. She said something about my twin meeting me there?

She can be confusing some times.

I kept on running until I was in the clearing of broken trees.

Alex was shot to the ground, breathing hard.

I raised my hand and did an uppercut in the air.

Rocks came up, making a kind of stair, and it ended up hitting the monster in the jaw.

"So your my evil twin."

I ran up the hill, I made, as fast as I can.

It was super long and too 'up'. I finally made it to the top breathing hard.

The monster was trying to get back up. Its eyes blood red, with rage.

"Oh no you don't."

I raised one fist up and the nearest huge rock emerged from the ground.

I pound my fist down and the rock followed the movement.

"Ugh!" The monster groaned.

I slammed it more, until yellow sand-looking thing emerged.

I used my power to put everything back.

I rushed to Alex and pulled him by a tree.

"Wake up sleepy head."

I gently hit his cheek.

"Ow.." He murmured.

"Lets go find Shailey. You are also going to tell me what happened before this. She told me about a...a...curse?"



I ran until I saw Kai lying on the ground.

My chest was tightening as I realized this is the most I've ever ran.

I tried breathing while running, but the air made my mouth dry.

"Kai!" I dropped right beside him and saw the burned mark on his back.

It was deep red with a mixture of brown and dark purple.

"Oh no..." I was reaching my hand out to touch it, but I stopped and figured it would hurt him.

"What do I do." I whispered to myself.

I had no choice but to put both my hands on his back.

He screamed, but didn't move.

I concentrated.

The mark was still warm from the hit and it covered most of his back.

Purple started to glow around him and he felt more at ease.

The mark was healing, like the skin outside of the burn was closing in.

The more it was healing, the more the blood was leaving me.

Little specks of red and yellow were dancing in front if me.

Kai was finally healed.

I smiled, but frowned as the spots were still there.

I waved my hand in front of my face and dropped to the ground, unconsciously.

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