Chapter 46

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Chapter 46


I felt super dizzy, but Kai was ok.

2 days left.

1 to go.

Everyone gathered around on the roof of the school during lunch.

We made the roof our lunch spot and its quiet.

"How are we gonna get Zack?" I asked.

"He's impossible." Nathan said. "Unless you through yourself at him."

"That's not happening again."

"Maybe you should drop off the building." Kai said, "Cuz he's down there right now." He said pointing below.

"You got my back Alex?"

"Lets do this."

"WAIT!? You're gonna jump off the roof?!" Mia said holding my arm.

"Yes, yes I am."

I ran and picked up speed.

"Here goes nothing...." My voice was falling in pitch.

Zack heard me scream and looked up.

Please catch me

He was coming closer until he caught me.

I reached out to break the curse but he dropped me like a bag.

"Ow, why'd you do that for?!" I said rubbing my back.

Zack just left without saying a word.

The guys jumped down.

"That was a fail." Kai said.

"No kid'." I said, getting up.

"He hates you so much before, that the curse is harder to break." Alex said

"What do I do now?"

The bell rang.

"We'll talk later." They said.



After school, I had nothing to do, so I was heading home to read since I lost my job.

I was walking through a crowd with a lot of people selling things outside on the streets and I saw a man leaning against a wall.

His face was down and his arms were crossed.

For some reason, I wanted to go over to him. I couldn't help but move to his direction. Then a man bumped into me and I was pushed back a little.

I looked back at the man, but he was gone.


I went home and crashed on the couch.

I was looking at everything in our house, hearing only the silence.

The vases, medals, tv, and the white wall.

There was a star on it.

"Star?" I went closer to get a better view.

It was a star and the inside was a red star.

I touched it and it wasn't a painting.

I could feel it. Like someone glued it on the wall.

I tried pulling it, but it didn't work.

I looked for tools to help me, but it didn't work either.

I got mad and I thought, what if I used a chain saw?

I would get in trouble.

I sat on the ground I frustration when the star fell to the ground.


It just...fell.

Of all the hard work and it just falls?!?!

I wanted to throw it to the ground and crush it.

I reached for it and held on to it.

"What is this stupid thing?" I asked myself.

I turned it around and there were words.

The Star Palace

What the heck does that mean?

I brought it up to my room and put it in the top drawer.

I lied on my bed, feeling bored.

I went to the drawer to get the thing.

I reached in and felt nothing.

"Where did it go?" I pulled it fully opened and there was nothing in it.

"I swore that I put it in here."

But it was gone. I checked the other drawers and there was none.

I finally gave up.

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