Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Already Wednesday. 3 days left and two more people to go.

I can do this, I can do this. I will do this.

I was walking through the school when I saw Nathan.

"What do I do?" I whispered quietly.

"Huh? You mean you haven't gotten to Nathan yet?" Mia asked.

"He shouldn't be that hard right?" Sarah said.

"His power is Earth, solid ground. He's also a bulky guy." I pointed out.

What to do? What to do?

"What if we distract him and you go behind him?" Mia thought of.

"Yeah! And no ones at school right now, so we can take the chance." Sarah said.

"Lets try it."

I went in a circle and was behind Nathan. I saw Mia give me a thumbs up and she went to him, while I slowly crept behind him.

"Hey Nathan." Mia said.

"Sup." He responded.

They kept on talking to him when I finally got close enough.

I grabbed his right hand, which sent a message through his body that he was getting attacked.

With just that hand, he grabbed my wrist and flip me forward.

Now I know how my opponent feels when I flip them.

"Ow.." I rubbed my back as Mia and Sarah tried to help me up.

"Are you ok?!" Mia said grabbing my right arm.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Don't ever do that again." Nathan yelled and left.

"That hurt." I said.

I wasn't focused in class and the teacher noticed.

I was sent to the hall for not listening and I had to read by myself.

This sucks.

I was reading, with the books on my lap and feet straight out.

I heard a footstep and I looked up.

Zack, the one who hates me most of all.

"Zack..." I said quietly but stopped myself before finishing. If I can't take Nathan, I definitely can't take Zack.

But I still tried.

He was walking by when I quickly thrust my foot out to trip him.

He jumped and threw a fireball at me.

I didn't even notice until I heard and felt the heat of the fireball by my ear.

"Do that again. Next time I won't miss."

I didn't know I stopped breathing.

I took in a deep air and got back to reading. Which was impossible.


Alex and Kai were walking with me home and so was Mia and Sarah.

We discussed more plans but no ones seems to think of anything.

"Anyone have any idea?"

We stopped by a tree and I leaned on on the largest one.

Mia ad Sarah sat down on both sides of me while Alex and Kai leaned by their own trees.

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