Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I can't believe I missed what happened after I defeated the monster.

After school, I was walking home with Mia and Sarah.

"Can we ask you a favor Shay?" Mia asked.

"What did you do?" I asked horrified.

"It's not that thing....not yet, anyways....but can you show us how to make chocolate?"


Both widen there eyes.

"Did you forget!!!" They both yelled in unison.

"Forget what?"

"Tomorrow is Valentines!!!" Sarah yelled.

I totally forgot. Probably because I don't care about it.

"Ok..Lets go buy the chocolate."

We went to a store and shopped for chocolate.

We left with bags of chocolate, a bag per person.

We rounded up a corner when we met with Zack and Kai wearing a hood or a cap to shield their faces from the outside world.

I was walking backwards, talking, while they walked and I bumped into Zack.

I turned around and slid away with fear and anger.

"Why is it always you?" I asked, "Why couldn't it be some stranger walking by?" I threw one arm up in frustration.

"Watch where you're going."

"It's you that should be looking."

"So...," Kai jumped in to avoid the argument, "What are you guys up to?"

"Not.." Before I can finish....

"We're making chocolate." Mia jumped in and said.

"For Valentines?"

"Wow! You remembered!" Sarah said. "Unlike someone." She added.

I rolled my eyes.

"So are YOU giving chocolates?" Mia asked.

"No, I'm the receiver." Kai said.

"Well, we have to go now, so see you later."

This time, I was the one dragging them.

"But I want to talk got him." Sarah whinnied.

"I want to talk to Zack." Mia chimed in.


We set our bags down and began to melt the chocolate, added our own ingredients and then re-froze them.

When it was done, we carved our own things. Or we just used cookie cutters.

I finished mine and made more then a dozen heart shaped chocolates.

I looked at theirs and Mia's was a heart with some words in the middle.

Sarah, the artist, made a heart with an arrow through it.


I ate the little pieces that was useless.

I turned green.

The taste was horrid! It was like the smell of books mixed with vinegar!

I ran to the bathroom and spit the piece out while rinsing my mouth.

I slowly went back.

"It couldn't be that bad." Sarah said. She threw a chocolate into her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

"What about yours Mia?"

"Lets see." Mia threw one into her mouth and ran up to the other bathroom.


Minutes later, we were all gathered around the table and staring at the perfectly artistic, yet worst tasting chocolates ever.

"How could this have happened?" I asked them.

"I don't know, we followed everything you said."

"Yeah. And what about your chocolates?" Sarah asked.

Each one of us took a bite of the chocolate.

It was delicious!

The chocolate melted into my mouth like Hershey.

Some of the Caramel wasn't as sugary making it perfect.

" heaven!" Sarah said.

"Dang, how do you make it so good!" Mia asked.

"I've had a lot of experience, but I'm also surprised that it came out this good."

"You've got to make more!" Mia said

"Use our chocolates!" Sarah said.

"You guys have to at least make one. How about I make the chocolate and you make the appearance?"

"Deal." They both said at the same time.

*3 Hours later*

Finally done!

"You have chocolate on your face." Mia said, covering her mouth and laughed out loud.

"Oh yeah?" I picked up the spoon and wiped it on her face.

She gasped, mouth opened, hands up. Sarah's turn to laugh.

"Oh no you didn't." Mia said with a accent.

We were playing around until we were a mess and just fell to the ground staring at the ceiling.

"Who are you guys giving your chocolates to?" I asked them.

"It's a secret." Mia replied.

"Zack?" I guessed

"How did you..."

"Magic." I laughed.

"What about you Sarah? Mia asked.

She didn't say anything. Maybe turning red trying to tell.


"How in the world.." Sarah said.

"Like I said, I know things."

We all laughed.



The girls were laughing, but didn't know what was happening outside.

Someone with dark long pink hair, dark pink tank top and skirts was swaying her legs on top of a tree. Staring at them.

The darkness covered her face, but there was a glow of red. Her eyes glowed red and disappeared. She smiled making her teeth glisten from the moonlight.

"There won't be many laughter and love when I'm done with you.....Shailey."

With that, she disappeared with a soft evil laughter.

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