Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Today was a family day.

It brings back the times that our father use to take us for picnics.

I helped my mom make the food and put it in a basket.

My brother brings something that we could play with. Frisbee, volley ball, football, or a soccer ball.

I walked to the park and found a spot just under a tree.

While my mom was setting up the picnic, my brother and I played frisbee.

But it wasn't a regular game. we challenged each other to do amazing stunts.

Like today my brother through the frisbee really high and far.

I followed it and even ran faster then it. I climbed a tree really fast and then did a backwards flip. The frisbee was under me now. So I grabbed it and landed on the ground.

I ran back. I threw the frisbee fast and high.

My brother flipped backwards and his foot kicked the frisbee up. It came down perfectly into his hands.

We laughed and had an amazing time.

We fell onto the grass next to each other and was breathless.

I ate a lot. And so did my brother.

We talked so much that we got lost in our conversation.

"Remember that time when you slipped on spaghetti!" I laughed

"That was when I was super little. And it was your fault for eating like a pig and making a mess on the floor!" He laughed.

"You both were hilarious! You lunge at the other and the other does something funny to make you laugh." My mom laughed and it made her look younger.

After that, we played more games.

In soccer, I kicked the ball into air. I jumped and kicked the ball over. My brother kicked the ball while it was still in the air.

The ball hit a tree and half of the leaves fell down.

"Oops." he said. Then we both fell down laughing.

I wanted to play a childish game but he still agreed to play it.

Nick turned around in a tree and started to count to 20.

I ran farther into the park and was looking for a hiding spot.

There was a little girl flying a kite and her father was helping her.

I remember the time my dad taught us how.

Then the ground shook. Leaves fell to the ground and people were wandering what was going on.

A green monster rose from the ground, right in front of the little girl.

Her dad grabbed her and ran, but a vine took hold of the girls foot and she was hanging upside down, 50 feet in the air, screaming and crying.

I went behind a tree and transformed.

The roses came and enveloped me. I changed and as I ran, my sword appeared in my hands. I jumped on a tree and sliced the hand that was holding the girl.

The girl screamed as she fell. I dived down fast. I managed to grabbed the girls hand and pull her to me.

Her foot around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I turned her around, so she was on my back.

"Hold on tight!!" I yelled.

I knew I couldn't land and still be safe.

So I was preparing to land on my ankles. I spread my arms and legs out so I can decrease my speed.

The little girl was still yelling and I realized the the monster was about to slam us down. I turned the girl back on my stomach and my back faced the ground.

I held the girls head onto me and I saw the monster being pushed back by water. I felt the wind support me and made me go slower.

I landed safely and the father thanked me.

"Thanks Alex."

"No Prob."

I faced the monster and charged in.

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