Chapter 1

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Hi readers, this is my first time writing, so I hope you like it. :)

Chapter 1

I was only a little kid when my father past away. My mom has been crying and crying, while my older brother was trying his best to comfort her.

There was so many people here that I didn't even recognize. Then as it started to rain, a man in black stepped forward with an umbrella. I accidentally mistaken him for my father.

He took us to a huge mansion. His face says I'll help you, but his dark brown eyes says he wants to destroy you. My family has always been poor, until this strange man, who was told to be our uncle found us.

Many people were bowing when we got in. But it didn't feel like home. A servant was ordered to show us to our rooms. My brother took my mother and went ahead first.

I was going slowly and I accidentally overheard a conversation.

"You can't take these people in! There are poor as those people in the streets!"

"Don't worry, once were done with them we'll kick them out. You know I hate the poor."

I quickly went up and told my brother. And that was the end of our stay.

I'm 16 years old and I now live in an old home. "Shay! Get up!" I wake up in a sitting position with my cat jumps off the the bed.

We all skip breakfast and jog to school. My friend, and only friends, are Mia and Sarah. I have to do my hardest in school, so I can help my family.

Everything goes by fast and before you know it, it's lunch time.

"Hey did you hear! The Grand family is going to pick new servants!" Grand family, the most richest family in town. Great, I think while rolling my eyes.

"What!? I wanna go!" Every four years, the family fires and hires random people that they see fit.

"Hey lets go!" Mia and Sarah insists.

"You guys can go, I'll just stay and focus on my studies." I hold up the book to my face but find myself being dragged by my own will.

"We're too late!" Mia yells.

There's a crowd of people, people meaning girls. I can barely see the people in the middle, but its not hard to miss since they are standing on top of what look like a golden brick.

One guy, a little shorter than the other, with light brown hair and bangs that slants to the right side. He's in black suit with a red tie. But he didn't button his shirt, which made him quite handsome, with a baby face smile and eyes that seems to glisten. Name: Kai, the happy- go- rich person.

The other one's completely different. Or so I thought. He had dark hair with dark eyes that seems to look right through you. His bangs are so long that it reaches his right eye. He's wearing the same suit, but his hands are in his pockets and he has a straight smile on his face, that immediately captures a girl in his looks. Name: Zack - dark-handsome kind of guy that girls adore but never can get close enough to be his girlfriend.

Just looking at their richness makes me want to puke.

"Let's get to the front!" Sarah says. Both of them grabs my hand and charges into the crowd. No! I thought, but I should've screamed.

I can't believe that we made it forward. I think I'm going to die from the screams and pushing. We are already in the front and my friends manage to get a little talk with the guys and then scream on the top of their lungs.

I cover my ears and I didn't realize it before I was tumbling to the ground. Great, now I'm gonna get trampled. I fall into the ground, but it was quiet, too quiet.

"Hey are you ok?" A man's voice asks, I look up to see Kai smiling and offering a hand. I get up by myself and brush the dust off. By just looking around, I realize I must've made some enemies and good thing I have my friends. They step in and starts talking to them, while the girls are whispering and getting ready to grab them.

I'm thinking of going back when a hand grabs me and every girl stops.

"Would you like to be a servant of the Oh-holy riches?" He smirks.

I shrug off his hand and refuse the offer.

"No need, I have my..." Mia and Sarah rapidly drags me to one side to chat. I couldn't help but sense that I'm being stared at by a certain frozen glaring person.

"What are you doing?" Mia whispers. Sarah shakes me and says, "Get a hold of yourself. Even if you do hate rich people, think of what this can bring you. More money!"

"Now get back in there!" Mia whispers, as she pushes me to the center of attention.

"Um, about the offer. I have some great friends here who would want to accept." Mia and Sarah's mouth drops open.

"Please accept them to be your great servants. I'm not interested and now I'll be taking my leave." Girls start to spread rumor while I push Mia and Sarah up to the front. And then leave. I meet the eyes of Zack and for the first time, his eyes wasn't as hypnotic.

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