Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Today was going to be a normal day. I hope.

Mia and Sarah invited me to a sleepover and my mom made me go, because I need to spend more time with girls, then the guys'. I told my mom that it was not like that, but she just nodded her head.

I went to Mia's house with my things and Mia was already prepared. Sarah soon came over and we were doing each others hair.

Mia and Sarah loomed over me. Mia holding a curler and Sarah holding make up things. I was reading my book when it got darker. I turned around and my eyes opened.

The quickness of their hands surprised me. Only if they could use these fast hands in work, that would be a lot better. Mia and Sarah turned the chair around and I was facing the mirror.

I gasped. My straight brown hair is all curled up and it looked 1/4 shorter then it used to be. Fake eye lashes made my blue eyes pop out. My lips were red and fake blush was applied. I look like one of those models on tv.

"Oh my gosh!" Sarah screamed

"You look like a goddess!" Mia yelled.

"You guys got to me kidding me. How do you take this off?"

"It's permanent until tomorrow." Mia replied.

"Tomorrows school!" I panicked

"So you can show if off."

I glared at them and they laughed.

We all talked ourselves to sleep and the dreams began.

A shadowy figure appeared in the gray light.

"You will join us." A dark voice echoed.

"If you want your father back." He continued.

"What? My father? How do you know him?"

I tried to reach him but it turned darker until I woke up.

Mia and Sarah were still sleeping. I went to the terrace and felt the cold air on my skin.

I wrapped myself and looked down. The town was pretty with all it's lights.

But then the ground was forming a face. I looked closer and I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

My dads face was smiling at me.

I yelled inside my head and was on the verge of crying, so I turned around and sat on the cold floor.

I only remember some thing's about my dad. Huh, I should head back in.

I was going to the door when it wouldn't open.

I furrowed my eye brow. I pulled and pulled. Stupid door, why didn't Mia tell me that it can only be open from the inside?

Great. What do I do now?

I tried knocking, but they won't wake up.

"Get locked out?" I looked up and on the roof was Kai.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Don't take this the wrong way, my dad told me to come." He held up his hands like he was surrendering.

"I can probably help you out."


"Watch this." He jumped down and with his finger, he drew a circle and the glass broke off.


"It's just an ability." He opened the door and then when he put the glass back it repaired itself and it was like it never came off the first place.

"Thanks." I guess

"Will you please join the team now?"

I completely forgot to think about that.

"I haven't decided yet."

"You better hurry beauty queen."


"I noticed your face."

I quickly turned around.

"Don't rush me, I'll give you an answer sooner or later."

With that he left.

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