Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I woke up to the smell of chocolate, or was it my mom yelling at me to wake up?

I got up and was going to school when my mom stopped me.

"Why don't you take all these chocolates to school?"

"Mom, it's valentines. Only Mia and Sarah can eat it."

"What about your other friends?"

"That would look like I'm giving them chocolate because of love!" I complained.

"They are still your friends, you can just give it to them as a friendly present."

"Fine." I gave up.

I took every bag of chocolate and walked to school.

Mia and Sarah soon followed.

"You brought the chocolate!?" Mia asked, holding her little carved chocolate in her hands.

"It's to eat at lunch, only us."

"Yay! Free chocolate." Sarah said

We entered school and we saw couples giving each other chocolates, in reward for a hug or kiss.

I looked away and went inside the school to class.

Crowded people (girls) were at the classroom door and inside were the guys.

"What the heck is going on!?" I yelled, but my voice was drowned out by the girls who were trying to get their chocolates to the guys.

I heard thank you's and after that they piled their desks.

The bell rang, but no one heard it except for people outside the rooms.

"Girls! Break it up!" The principal yelled with a microphone.

The girls followed instructions and went back to their own classrooms trying to have a last look. But the girls in our class was not at their seats but still giving chocolate.

Girls were blushing and handing the chocolate in and talking as fast as they can to get it over with but they felt a lot better after giving it to them.

I went to my desk and there was a pink note with a glittery heart picture on it.

I wonder who left this.

Mia gasped. "You got a love note!"

"Amazing." Sarah said.

"Open it!" They both yelled.

"Ok, ok."

I picked up the note and it smelled like roses. I stared at the guys. Only they know about the rose thing. No way....

I opened it and inside were words printed in cursive letters.

Meet me behind the school at 12:00pm.


"Who is Mystery?" I asked.

"Who knows." Sarah whispered.

Class started and everything was quiet, before lunch started.

The guys rushed out as fast as possible and behind them was a long line of girls screaming.

I was in the middle was trying to go the other way, but I was pushed into their direction, until we were out of the school and I fell on the grass. Mia and Sarah received the same treatment.

"What is wrong with them!" I yelled.

"Ow, lets just go behind the school and eat peacefully." Sarah said.

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