Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I was walking home when I received a text from Mia.

Mia - I need help! Please come to the park ASAP!

I was very close to it, so I jogged over. I saw Mia and stopped in front her.

"What's up?"

She stepped aside and I looked forward. I frowned. It was the guys.

"You're actually following their orders?" I whispered to Mia.

"Sorry, it's like they have a spell to me."

"Well, if there's nothing here, I'll just be leaving now." I was then dragged by Mia.

I sat on a swing in silence.

"We've been thinking, the same monster attack two people who were important to you." Alex said

I was having flashbacks of the jelly monsters.

"But they won't attack again since Mia's with me and my brother is playing basketball." I said

"Yes, but don't you think there has to be a reason behind all this."

I started to piece this together and I went pale.

"What's wrong?" Mia asked

"Oh no!" I got up and was running, before Zack grabbed my wrist and i was pulled back. A tear escaped from my eye.

He looked at me confused and I yelled.

"Let go of me! It might be too late! I have to save my mom!"

But it was still a long way there.

I fell to the ground.

"I got an idea." Zack said.

"Transform!" A fire blazed around him and he was immediately transformed.

Mia looked at him in awe. She now, may have another reason to love the handsome Zack Grand.

"I summon the fire dragon!" His eyes were on fire and the sky around us turned a dark shade of red.

Something was moving in the clouds. Something red. It came straight down.

It was..a dragon!! A real life size fire breathing dragon!

It flew down next to Zack and he petted it.

I got back up and rubbed my eyes. This was like one of those Chinese dragons. Red with some yellow.

"This is Inferno. My dragon."

"Man that's so cool! Alex said.

"Let's hurry, before its too late." Zack looked at me and his face expression seems to change.

I nodded.

"Mia, you stay here."

"Ok, but you guys better hurry."

She sounded not scared at all. This would've been something that scared her the most.

"Can you see the dragon?"

"What dragon?" She quickly responded.

"This." I pointed at the dragon.

"That's a plane."

I looked at the guys questionably.

"Let's just go." Kai said. Meaning tell you later.

Zack jumped higher then thirty feet into the air to ride on top of the dragon.

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