Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Shailey ran forward and punched Zack. He dodged and tried to reason with her.

"Shailey, wake up!" Zack dodged a kick but she swung her arm and knocked him on the head.

Kai pushed his hand forward and the water went at Shailey.

The water created a circle around her and burst up, making a water barrier.

"That should keep her busy for a while." Kai said.

But Shailey, on the inside, had her hands vertically in front of her. She then quickly separated her hands and the orb turned into two cuts and broke the barrier.

"Or not." Kai said.

Zack ran with his hands in flame and yelled, "Just put her unconscious!"

Shailey stood there, but then held her hand up and created a shield. There was a cross at the middle and a rose was on top of it. The background was pink and it had silver outlines.

Zack quickly changed his weapon and his sword rose from the fire on his hands. Zack slashed and Shailey bend her knees to add more support.

They both were trying to push each other down, but their strengths were almost equal.

"When did Shailey get new powers and strength?" Nathan asked.

"Ah, you noticed." Nathan glared at Darkness. "The 'new' her, knows everything about herself."

"Shut up!" Alex ran forward and thought if he can destroy Darkness, then Shailey might be able to turn back to normal.

Shailey saw Alex from the corner of her eyes and used one hand to hold the shield while summoning her sword with her other hand.

Zack saw this and his eyes widened. "Alex! Watch out!"

Shailey threw the sword straight at Alex.

Alex heard the sword through the wind and abruptly stopped. Then the sword went passed his face and he can feel the energy coming from the sword. It was about one inch from his face.

A line of blood appeared on his face and he was frozen from fright.

"My turn." Nathan jumped up and slammed down, making a giant rock come up from the ground and was heading straight to Darkness.

Shailey also noticed this and summoned more energy, causing the shield to turn blue, and then pushed Zack. Zack saw this coming, but still flew into the air, but he flipped and landed.

Shailey threw her shield at Zack and went for the rock. She raised her hand and her sword flew to her. It started to glow and she jumped with her sword raised high.

Then she slashed it down and the rocks turned to pebbles.

"If she wasn't like this I would say, 'dang'." Nathan shook his head and focused at the task at hand.

Zack saw the shield and leaped into the air, doing a somersault and seeing the shield pass him. It went straight into the wall and made a hole to another room.

Zack was sweating, part from little fear, and part from exhaustion.

Zack looked at Nathan and had a quick silent plan.

Zack started to run towards Shailey with his sword while Nathan went underground.

Kai summoned his water sword and waited for his cue. Alex prepared a wind hurricane around him, to use it as fast as he can.

Zack threw his sword and kept on running. After Shailey dodged it, Nathan came out of the ground behind her and quickly locked her hands behind her back while she was distracted.

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