Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I suddenly got warm. I heard someone's footsteps and felt I was being carried.

I arms and legs still couldn't move because of that blast.

I heard someone's hearts beat and I opened my eyes.

Zack's face was looking forward.

I was about to complain to put me down, but he stopped me.

"Don't you say anything, or I'm gonna drop you over a cliff."

Sounds like him, but this was getting awkward.

"" I breathed in between.

"Not happening, you won't even be able to walk."

"So you like carrying me?" I joked

He put (or dropped) me by a tree.

"I'll just wait until you're healed." He leaned against another tree.

"We can't miss school. People will get suspicious."

Now that I think about it, Zack and I skipping class and is good. There would be weird rumors.

I got up with the support from the tree.

Zack came over and then stopped.

"Let's never speak of this when we get back."

"Deal." I said

He held out his hand and I grabbed it.

"We have a long way to go." Zack said

"Do you want to carry me?" I looked down. This was not one of my best plans.

But the. Zack threw me into the air and I landed into his arms, while the wind was slapping my face.

I held on tight. Running while someone is carrying you is different then running fast by yourself.

"You can let go now." I got down. But my hand was around his shoulder and his arms around my waist.

We went to the nurses offices and I was quickly being treated while Zack went back to class.

He made up a story on how I climbed a tree and fell.

I will get my revenge.

Because the nurses were giving me a lecture on not climbing trees.

I returned to class and tried to focus on school work, but the rumors started already.

"Did you hear that Zack was helping out her?"

"He's just being nice."

"Yeah, he wouldn't like her."

I was sick of this. So I asked to be excused to the bathroom.

I was walking when Sarah scared me.

"Why do people keep on doing that?!"

"What people?"

"Oh, its nothing. So what's up?"

"Um..I..I was just wandering around the school. What about you?" Sarah stuttered.

"I was trying to get away from the rumors and use the bathroom."

"Can you walk with me after school?"

"Sure." I said.

As we went away, I thought that she smiled a wicked smile.

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