Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Saturday came and I went to the play ground with my book.

I was lying on the pole that held the swings and kids were looking at me either in fear or amazement. But they still used the swings weather I was on top or not.

When they all left, it felt strangely quiet.

Or I thought it was.

I was still reading my book and didn't hear any noise, except for cars passing by. Which the drivers probably looked at me like I was crazy.

"What are you doing?" A low voice said right beside me.


My book went up, while I fell down.

Someone caught me and I caught the book.


I looked at the person and it was Zack.

I was in shock again and I quickly stood up by myself.

Why is it always him who catches me?

"What are you doing here?" I tried to ask politely.

"Walking by, when I saw you reading a book on the top pole of the swings."

"If you knew me, I would be doing something like that."

"And I know nothing about you, except that you're an idiot."

"Same here, but you're a rich person that can't stand people!"

"And you can't even take care of yourself without me."

"I can! Your the one that follows me everyday, Stalker."

"Says the one that can't keep quiet."

"You think you're all popular, but not to me your not."

I stomped away and was on my way to the market.

Before I met Mia, Sarah, Brandon, and Nick.

"I knew you were gonna come here." Nick said.

"We were waiting for a long time." Mia exclaimed.

I raised one eye brow.

"Why were you guys waiting for me?"

"To hang out, of course." Sarah said

"I'm busy, so I'll be leav...."

Nick was dragging me by the elbow and following Mia and them.


"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're gonna go watch a movie, eat, and then talk." Sarah explained.

We were at the movie theater and was going to watch a horror movie.

It was new and in 3D. We took our seats while Nick went to get popcorn.

The movie started and we put on the 3D glasses.

During the middle of the movie, we ran out of popcorn again and it was my turn to go get more.

I got out and had my eye adjust to the bright light.

I ordered two large popcorn when I heard someone cry.

I told the person to hold the order and I went outside.

A little boy was crying.

He was wearing a blue jacket and pants. He was knelt down against the wall, crying.

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