Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

The next day was a Monday.

I have people on my side now, just three people left.

I also don't have enough time.

I have until next week to break the curses, it will become permanent.

Why does everything have to be so hard!

I was discussing with Alex on the next plan.

"We can try Kai first."

"How?" I asked.

"I know that he hates you, but he still has the 'saving people inside of him, especially a girl'."

"Yeah but if he finds out I'm 'that girl'," I made bunny ears with my fingers as I said that, "He will just let me fall."

"He wouldn't do that."

"Yes he would. He dumped cold water on me yesterday."

"Wow, the curse must be deep."

We thought of more ideas.

"What if you wore a mask?"

"Why would I wear a mask?"

He thought for a moment.

"What if you were playing a game or something and you were on top of a tree and pretended you slipped?"


Why did I even agree with this.

After school, Alex put me up on the highest tree and tells me to jump when he lures Kai here.

"What if he doesn't come? What if he doesn't catch me?"

"I'll come save you."


"Wear this."

He gave me a mask which you would wear to a masquerade ball.

It was light pink, with glittering yellow on the edges of it.

I pulled the string back and put it over my head.

"How do I look?"

"Covered up."

"Now wait for me."

He flew down and left.

I waited and waited. I leaned on the tree and was feeling tired.

I have to pretend to look like I'm scared.

I have to save them with four days left.

My eyes were getting tired of waiting and I fell asleep.


I was dreaming that I was floating in the clouds.

I was lying on my back and the cloud felt like the water.

A little river carrying me to some place.

"Where are we going?" I heard someone's voice.

"We are almost here." Another voice said.

"Why can't you tell me?"

"Just wait."

As I realized this, in my dream I hit my head on a rock.

I shook awake and forgot I was on a branch.

I fell backwards, loosing my grip.

I screamed.

This was not part of the plan!

I don't even think he's here yet! Stupid me!

I felt a pain in my back as I hit a branch and it broke.

Pain spread through me and I clenched my teeth.

My hair blew to my face and I felt another pain on my back and arms on my leg.

My hand automatically went around the persons neck as I tried to get higher to make the pain less.

I cursed.

But I saw a red smoke and looked up through the mask.

The chocolate colored brown eyes looked at me with a long time no see smile.

"Hey, Rose princess."

"Kai!" I hugged him and told him to put me down.

"First if all, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it." I lied, "So put me down."

"Say you forgive me first." His arm started tickling me as he was holding me.

"Sto-stop me Alex...haha."

"Say you forgive me." Kai smiled.

"Haha...ok...haha....ok...I forgive you..haha!"

He put me to the ground gently while I laughed a little more and I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm glad to have you back, but.." I got up and punched him the arm, "That was for pushing my books down and this..." I tickled him over and over again, and following him as he tried to get away, " for dumping water on me."


"Will you guys quit it already." Alex asked.

I stopped tickling Kai. He sat up catching his breathe.


I looked at Kai and he looked at me.

We both smirked and got up.

Inching forward to Alex.

Alex furrowed his eyebrow.

"What are you guys doing?"

Kai and I lifted our hands while still smirking.

Alex looked at us with a frightened face.

He was turning around and started running away.

Kai and I dashed for him and we laughed until we were too tired to move or about to pee our pants.

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