Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

School was weird today. I kept on seeing shadows when I was alone.

During lunch we decided to go out to eat.

We were walking in a straight path like a couple of miles away from school. When Mia said,

"Dang it, I forgot my money. Can you guys wait here for me?"




Sarah and I sat along the wall while Mia ran back to the school.

"So how's your job?" I asked Sarah

"It's awesome!"

"How does it work? Like you always have time to hang out and things."

"It goes by time, like I have to work in the morning and night for a couple of hours. But on weekends I also have to do noon."

"That's cool, spending time with your crush."

"Do you have a crush?" She was staring at me very closely and was excitedly waiting for my answer.

"I don't, yet." I looked down.

"There's no one you like?"

"I don't know, I'm just waiting for the perfect someone. You know?"

"Yeah, I understand."

We were talking and in the middle of my sentence there was a loud scream.

"What was that?" Sarah asked

"It sounded like Mia! Stay here!" I was already running back to school when I heard her answer.

"This can't be!" I yelled.

I ran faster and faster. Everything around me became a blur.

There was another scream.

"I'm coming Mia! Just hold on!"

I was at the school, but she wasn't there.

There was the scream again and I ran after the sound. I even saw the guys follow.

I ran and stopped. It felt like I can sense this things aura.

In front of me was a thirty foot tall monster that looked like a giant blue jelly.

The monster had Mia around the waist. Her head was hanging down and she was unconscious.

"Mia! Let her go!"

"Nice to met you, I thought that this would call you out." He smiled

This was the worst, I might accidentally get Mia, but I had to save her!

"I summon the rose sword." I held my hands out, palms facing down.

Roses came down and formed the shape of the sword.

I grabbed it as the pedals left, creating a sword.

The others came and something was different about them.

They each had a weird uniform. Which matched their element.

Zack was dark red and black costume. Kai had on blue with one white stripe on his arm. Alex was completely white with some yellow stripes here and there. And Nathan was brown and dark green with yellow around his waist.

I'll have to tease them later.

I charged at the monster, but all it did was stand there. My sword went into him.

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