Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

The next day.

During lunch people started to gather around our group so I left to another spot.

I sat, ate, and read.

Today, I felt great. The wind was blowing, no monsters, no people. Just me and peace.

The bell rang and I caught a shadow. I turned my head to that direction, but whatever it was, it left.

School ended and I went to work. Doing only a couple of hours.

I went to the park and went to my favorite big tree.

I sat down under the shade. The tree protecting me from some of the sunlight.

I read my book until I heard a tree rustle.

"I know that one of you you guys are here. So stop with the games."

The person thought for a minute and leaped out.

He leaned on the tree, crossing his arm.

I looked up and it was Zack.

The tree shielding his face. But some of the sunlight shinned on him.

"Why are you here? I can't even have peace and quiet?"


"Geez, I don't need a body guard. So why don't you go back to that mansion of yours."

"Fine. I'll leave once you're home."

I scowled at him.

"You better not make a single sound."

I thought I saw him smile.

I went back to my book until the sun started to set.

I got up and brushed myself. I didn't know how he managed to stand there for so long.

"I'm leaving, so you can go home."

"I wish."

I furrowed my brow and walked.

He followed behind me when I heard the noise of a braking twig.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

There was more footsteps.


We kept on walking until we made it out of the trees and into a clear view.

Then I heard the running footsteps.

We looked around us and people's shadows started to appear.

Zack and I stood our ground and waited.

Men stepped out with weapons. Knives, bats, torches, pipe..who in the world would bring a pipe?...wood, and their fists.

Dirty people with dirty faces and ripped clothes came out with a crooked smile.

"That's her right there."

The guy who I trashed last time, pointed. Guess he was second in command judging on how he stepped out.

"What did you do?" Zack whispered to me.

"I whooped their butts."

"Not this time you won't. We have more men." The man said.

"I can still take you on with my eyes closed."

"We will win, you *****."

"Be careful of what you say." I smiled mischievously.

"Come on." I pointed at them to come.

The first guy charged with the bat. I waited and waited until he was in plain sight.

I was ready when Zack stepped in front and broke the bat. It went flying into the air and landed in the tree, making it rustle.

"Hey, get out of the way! I fight my own battles."

"With me here, you're not."

"You better stay away and go home!'

"Not in my life time!"

"You have to listen to me and go home!"

"Why don't you sit and let me do my job!"

"I'm not a dog that you can just order around!"

"Then why don't you be a good dog and listen to the person older then you!"

We were biting each others heads off when the guys charged.

We got back into focus and I realized I released my anger on them.

I kicked one in the jaw while Zack lifted his fist and hit the person behind him.

"That felt good." I said.

We smirked at each other and somehow worked together.

Unbelievable right?

I jumped and landed on the persons shoulders.

I kicked him on the back while my hands gripped the shoulder.

Zack kicked one on the ribs and that guy toppled into another guy.

The others came at us in a circle. With a nod of my head, I held my hands out and Zack grabbed it.

He spun me while I kicked everyone that was close enough to hit.

Zack flipped me over and I did a high kick, knocking a man to the ground.

"The dirt loves you so much, doesn't it?" I laughed.

I swiped my hands together, looking like I was brushing the dirt off.

I walked home, with Zack on my tail.

"Look, I don't want a body guard. Every time people are around me, they get into trouble like that."

"What if I told you that I don't mind fighting?"

"Then I'll think your a bloodlust man."

"You should be scared then."

"In your dreams. You better leave or I'll whoop your butt."

He left and I made it home. That was a nice workout.

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